Each of the models below include the following two functions:
- Converts the class into a dictionary.to_str()
- Serializes the class as a string.
class tator.models.Affiliation(email=None, first_name=None, id=None, last_name=None, organization_id=None, permission=None, user_id=None, username=None)
email (str) - Email address of user.
first_name (str) - First name of user.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying a affiliation.
last_name (str) - Last name of user.
organization_id (int) - Unique integer identifying an organization.
permission (str) - User permission level for the organization.
user_id (int) - Unique integer identifying a user.
username (str) - Username for the membership.
class tator.models.AffiliationSpec(permission=None, user=None)
permission (str) - User permission level for the organization.
user (int) - Unique integer identifying a user.
class tator.models.AffiliationUpdate(permission=None)
- permission (str) - User permission level for the organization.
class tator.models.Algorithm(categories=None, cluster=None, description=None, files_per_job=None, id=None, manifest=None, name=None, parameters=None, project=None, user=None)
categories (list[str]) - List of categories the algorithm workflow belongs to
cluster (int) - Unique integer identifying the job cluster.
description (str) - Description of the algorithm.
files_per_job (int) - Number of media files to be submitted to each workflow.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying the registered algorithm.
manifest (str) - Server URL to argo manifest file (.yaml)
name (str) - Unique name of the algorithm workflow.
parameters (list[AlgorithmParameter]) - List of algorithm workflow parameters
project (int) - Unique integer identifying the project associated with the algorithm.
user (int) - Unique integer identifying the user registering the algorithm.
class tator.models.AlgorithmManifest(url=None)
- url (str) - Name of algorithm manifest (.yaml) file
class tator.models.AlgorithmManifestSpec(name=None, upload_url=None)
name (str) - Name of manifest (.yaml) file
upload_url (str) - URL of the uploaded file
class tator.models.AlgorithmParameter(name=None, value=None)
name (str) - Name of algorithm parameter
value (object) - Value of algorithm parameter
class tator.models.AlgorithmSpec(categories=None, cluster=None, description=None, files_per_job=None, manifest=None, name=None, parameters=None, user=None)
categories (list[str]) - List of categories the algorithm workflow belongs to
cluster (int) - Unique integer identifying the job cluster.
description (str) - Description of the algorithm.
files_per_job (int) - Number of media files to be submitted to each workflow.
manifest (str) - Server URL to argo manifest file (.yaml)
name (str) - Unique name of the algorithm workflow.
parameters (list[AlgorithmParameter]) - List of algorithm workflow parameters
user (int) - Unique integer identifying the user registering the algorithm.
class tator.models.Announcement(created_datetime=None, eol_datetime=None, id=None, markdown=None)
created_datetime (str) - When the announcement was made.
eol_datetime (str) - When the announcement will expire.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying an announcement.
markdown (str) - Markdown formatted contents of the announcement.
class tator.models.Applet(categories=None, description=None, html_file=None, id=None, name=None, project=None)
categories (list[str]) - List of categories the applet belongs to
description (str) - Description of applet
html_file (str) - Server URL to applet HTML file
id (int) - Unique integer identifying the applet
name (str) - Name of applet
project (int) - Unique integer identifying the project associated with the applet
class tator.models.AppletSpec(categories=None, description=None, html_file=None, name=None)
categories (list[str]) - List of categories the applet belongs to
description (str) - Description of applet
html_file (str) - Server URL to applet HTML file
name (str) - Name of applet
class tator.models.ArchiveConfig(encode=None, name=None, s3_storage=None)
encode (EncodeConfig) -
name (str) - Name of this archive config, used for retrieval in case of multiple archive configs.
s3_storage (S3StorageConfig) -
class tator.models.AttributeCombinatorSpec(method=None, operations=None)
method (str) - Method to combine
operations (list[object]) - Must be a AttributeOperationSpec!
class tator.models.AttributeFilterSpec(attribute=None, inverse=False, operation=None, value=None)
attribute (str) - Name of the attribute or field to search on. Given a user defined type (Localization, State, or Media) with defined attributes any attribute is searchable by its name. If a Localization has an attribute named ‘Species’ the name to use to search on that column is ‘Species’. Additional built-in columns are available to search on dependent on the underlying metadata type being searched. To search a built in field, a ‘$’ character must be used in front of the column name from main.models. The following table shows common columns and to which types they apply. Any internal column of the model may be searched in this manner. ‘$’ must precede these names in search attempts. E.g. created_by is supplied as $created_by. | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
inverse (bool) - Whether to apply NOT to result
operation (str) - Name of the operation to apply. Not all operations apply to all attributes.
value (object) - Boolean, integer, float, string, datetime, [lon, lat], float array.
class tator.models.AttributeOperationSpec(method=None, operations=None, attribute=None, inverse=False, operation=None, value=None)
attribute (str) - Name of the attribute or field to search on. Given a user defined type (Localization, State, or Media) with defined attributes any attribute is searchable by its name. If a Localization has an attribute named ‘Species’ the name to use to search on that column is ‘Species’. Additional built-in columns are available to search on dependent on the underlying metadata type being searched. To search a built in field, a ‘$’ character must be used in front of the column name from main.models. The following table shows common columns and to which types they apply. Any internal column of the model may be searched in this manner. ‘$’ must precede these names in search attempts. E.g. created_by is supplied as $created_by. | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
inverse (bool) - Whether to apply NOT to result
method (str) - Method to combine
operation (str) - Name of the operation to apply. Not all operations apply to all attributes.
operations (list[object]) - Must be a AttributeOperationSpec!
value (object) - Boolean, integer, float, string, datetime, [lon, lat], float array.
class tator.models.AttributeType(autocomplete=None, choices=None, default=None, description='', dtype=None, labels=None, maximum=None, minimum=None, name=None, order=0, required=False, size=None, style=None, use_current=None, visible=None)
autocomplete (AutocompleteService) -
choices (list[str]) - Array of possible values; required for enum dtype.
default (object) - Boolean, integer, float, string, datetime, [lon, lat], float array.
description (str) - Description of the attribute.
dtype (str) - Data type of the attribute.
labels (list[str]) - Array of labels for enum dtype.
maximum (float) - Upper bound for int or float dtype.
minimum (float) - Lower bound for int or float dtype.
name (str) - Name of the attribute. The first character must not be ‘$’, which is a reserved character for system usage.
order (int) - Integer specifying relative order this attribute is displayed in the UI. Negative values are hidden by default.
required (bool) - True if this attribute is required for POST requests.
size (int) - Number of elements for float_array dtype.
style (str) - Available options: disabled|long_string|start_frame|end_frame|start_frame_check|end_frame_check Multiple options can be chained together separated by white space. “disabled” will not allow the user to edit the attribute in the Tator GUI. Create a text area string if “long_string” is combined with “string” dtype. “start_frame” and “end_frame” used in conjunction with “attr_style_range” interpolation. “start_frame_check and “end_frame_check” are used in conjunction with “attr_style_range” interpolation. “range_set and in_video_check” is used in conjunction with “attr_style_range” interpolation. When associated with a bool, these checks will result in Tator GUI changes with the corresponding start_frame and end_frame attributes.
use_current (bool) - True to use current datetime as default for datetime dtype.
visible (bool) - True to make attribute visible.
class tator.models.AttributeTypeDelete(entity_type=None, name=None)
entity_type (str) - The entity type containing the attribute to rename.
name (str) - The attribute to delete.
class tator.models.AttributeTypeSpec(addition=None, entity_type=None)
addition (AttributeType) -
entity_type (str) - The entity type containing the attribute to rename.
class tator.models.AttributeTypeUpdate(attribute_type_update=None, current_name=None, entity_type=None)
attribute_type_update (AttributeTypeUpdateAttributeTypeUpdate) -
current_name (str) - The attribute to rename.
entity_type (str) - The entity type containing the attribute to rename.
class tator.models.AttributeTypeUpdateAttributeTypeUpdate(autocomplete=None, choices=None, default=None, description=None, dtype=None, labels=None, maximum=None, minimum=None, name=None, order=None, required=None, size=None, style=None, use_current=None, visible=None)
autocomplete (AutocompleteService) -
choices (list[str]) - Array of possible values; required for enum dtype.
default (object) - Boolean, integer, float, string, datetime, [lon, lat], float array.
description (str) - Description of the attribute.
dtype (str) - Data type of the attribute.
labels (list[str]) - Array of labels for enum dtype.
maximum (float) - Upper bound for int or float dtype.
minimum (float) - Lower bound for int or float dtype.
name (str) - Name of the attribute. The first character must not be ‘$’, which is a reserved character for system usage.
order (int) - Integer specifying relative order this attribute is displayed in the UI. Negative values are hidden by default.
required (bool) - True if this attribute is required for POST requests.
size (int) - Number of elements for float_array dtype.
style (str) - Available options: disabled|long_string|start_frame|end_frame|start_frame_check|end_frame_check Multiple options can be chained together separated by white space. “disabled” will not allow the user to edit the attribute in the Tator GUI. Create a text area string if “long_string” is combined with “string” dtype. “start_frame” and “end_frame” used in conjunction with “attr_style_range” interpolation. “start_frame_check and “end_frame_check” are used in conjunction with “attr_style_range” interpolation. “range_set and in_video_check” is used in conjunction with “attr_style_range” interpolation. When associated with a bool, these checks will result in Tator GUI changes with the corresponding start_frame and end_frame attributes.
use_current (bool) - True to use current datetime as default for datetime dtype.
visible (bool) - True to make attribute visible.
class tator.models.AudioDefinition(bit_rate=None, codec=None, codec_description=None, codec_mime=None, host=None, http_auth=None, path=None, size=None)
bit_rate (int) - Bit rate in bits per second
codec (str) - Human readable codec.
codec_description (str) - Description other than codec.
codec_mime (str) - Example mime: “video/mp4; codecs=”avc1.64001e””. Only relevant for streaming files, will assume example above if not present.
host (str) - If supplied will use this instead of currently connected host, e.g.
http_auth (str) - If specified will be used for HTTP authorization in request for media, i.e. “bearer TOKEN”.
path (str) - Relative URL to the file.
size (int) - File size in bytes.
class tator.models.AutocompleteService(match_any=False, min_level=None, mode='tator', service_url=None, use_common=None)
match_any (bool) - If true, autocomplete will find leaves with any part of name matching the query. Otherwise only leaf names that start with the query are returned.
min_level (int) - If using WoRMS, set this to the minimum returnable taxonomic levelSee for the levels, Note: 220 is species
mode (str) - Change flavor of autocomplete to use built-in WoRMs support. For information on WoRMs see
service_url (str) - URL of the autocomplete service.
use_common (bool) - If using WoRMS, if set to true, use common names (vernacular in their API)
class tator.models.AuxiliaryFileDefinition(host=None, http_auth=None, mime=None, name=None, path=None, size=None)
host (str) - If supplied will use this instead of currently connected host, e.g.
http_auth (str) - If specified will be used for HTTP authorization in request for media, i.e. “bearer TOKEN”.
mime (str) - Example mime: “text/csv”.
name (str) - Name of the file.
path (str) - Relative URL to the file.
size (int) - File size in bytes.
class tator.models.BadRequestResponse(details=None, message=None)
details (str) - Detailed error message for bad request.
message (str) - Error message for bad request.
class tator.models.Bookmark(id=None, name=None, project=None, uri=None, user=None)
id (int) - Unique integer identifying a bookmark.
name (str) - Name of the bookmark.
project (int) - Unique integer identifying a project.
uri (str) - URI to the saved link.
user (int) - Unique integer identifying a user.
class tator.models.BookmarkSpec(name=None, uri=None)
name (str) - Name of the bookmark.
uri (str) - URI to the saved link.
class tator.models.BookmarkUpdate(name=None, uri=None)
name (str) - Name of the bookmark.
uri (str) - URI to the saved link.
class tator.models.Bucket(archive_sc=None, endpoint_url=None, external_host=None, id=None, live_sc=None, name=None, organization=None, store_type=None)
archive_sc (str) - Storage class in which archived objects live.
endpoint_url (str) - Endpoint URL for bucket.
external_host (str) - The proxy host for presigned urls.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying a bucket.
live_sc (str) - Storage class in which live objects live.
name (str) - Bucket name.
organization (int) - Unique integer identifying organization that owns this bucket.
store_type (str) - Type of object store on which the bucket is hosted.
class tator.models.BucketGCPConfig(auth_provider_x509_cert_url=None, auth_uri=None, client_email=None, client_id=None, client_x509_cert_url=None, private_key=None, private_key_id=None, project_id=None, token_uri=None, type=None)
auth_provider_x509_cert_url (str) - Provider cert url.
auth_uri (str) - Authorization URI.
client_email (str) - Email address associated with the service account.
client_id (str) - ID of the client account.
client_x509_cert_url (str) - Client cert url.
private_key (str) - Account access key.
private_key_id (str) - Account secret key.
project_id (str) - GCP project id.
token_uri (str) - Token URI.
type (str) - Type of account, should be service_account.
class tator.models.BucketOCIConfig(boto3_config=None, native_config=None)
boto3_config (BucketS3Config) -
native_config (BucketOCINativeConfig) -
class tator.models.BucketOCINativeConfig(fingerprint=None, key_content=None, region=None, tenancy=None, user=None)
fingerprint (str) - Public key fingerprint.
key_content (str) - Private key content.
region (str) - OCI region.
tenancy (str) - Tenancy OCID.
user (str) - User OCID.
class tator.models.BucketS3Config(aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None, endpoint_url=None, region_name=None)
aws_access_key_id (str) - Account access key.
aws_secret_access_key (str) - Account secret key.
endpoint_url (str) - Endpoint URL for bucket.
region_name (str) - Bucket region.
class tator.models.BucketSpec(archive_sc=None, config=None, external_host=None, live_sc=None, name=None, store_type=None)
archive_sc (str) - Storage class in which archived objects live.
config (object) - JSON string containing cloud storage credentials.
external_host (str) - The proxy host for presigned urls.
live_sc (str) - Storage class in which live objects live.
name (str) - Bucket name.
store_type (str) - Type of object store on which the bucket is hosted.
class tator.models.BucketUpdate(archive_sc=None, config=None, external_host=None, live_sc=None, name=None, store_type=None)
archive_sc (str) - Storage class in which archived objects live.
config (object) - JSON string containing cloud storage credentials.
external_host (str) - The proxy host for presigned urls.
live_sc (str) - Storage class in which live objects live.
name (str) - Bucket name.
store_type (str) - Type of object store on which the bucket is hosted.
class tator.models.ChangeLog(description_of_change=None, id=None, modified_datetime=None, project=None, user=None)
description_of_change (ChangeLogDescriptionOfChange) -
id (int) - Unique integer identifying this change log.
modified_datetime (datetime) - Datetime this change occurred.
project (int) - Unique integer identifying project of this change log.
user (int) - Unique integer identifying the user whose changes created this change log.
class tator.models.ChangeLogDescriptionOfChange(new=None, old=None)
new (list[ChangeLogDescriptionOfChangeNew]) - The new values for the changed object
old (list[ChangeLogDescriptionOfChangeNew]) - The old values for the changed object
class tator.models.ChangeLogDescriptionOfChangeNew(name=None, value=None)
name (str) - The name of the changed property
value (object) - Boolean, integer, float, string, datetime, [lon, lat], float array.
class tator.models.CloneMediaSpec(dest_project=None, dest_section=None, dest_type=None)
dest_project (int) - Unique integer identifying destination project.
dest_section (str) - Destination media section name.
dest_type (int) - Unique integer identifying destination media type. Use -1 to automatically select the media type if only one media type exists in the destination project.
class tator.models.ColorMap(alpha_ranges=None, default=None, default_fill=None, fill_map=None, key=None, map=None, version=None)
alpha_ranges (dict(str, list)) - Map of attribute values to alpha level.
default (object) - RGB array, RGBA array, or hex string.
default_fill (Fill) -
fill_map (dict(str, Fill)) - Map of attribute values to fill types.
key (str) - Attribute name.
map (dict(str, object)) - Map of attribute values to colors.
version (dict(str, object)) - Map of version IDs to colors.
class tator.models.ConcatDefinition(id=None, timestamp_offset=None)
id (int) - Primary key of video in append series
timestamp_offset (float) - Insertion point for this video
class tator.models.CreateListResponse(id=None, message=None, object=None)
id (list[object]) - List of unique integers identifying created objects.
message (str) - Message indicating successful creation.
object (list[dict(str, object)]) - List of created objects.
class tator.models.CreateResponse(id=None, message=None, object=None)
id (object) - Unique integer identifying the created object.
message (str) - Message indicating successful creation.
object (dict(str, object)) - The created objects.
class tator.models.Credentials(password=None, refresh=None, username=None)
password (str) - Account password.
refresh (bool) - If true, forces generation of new token.
username (str) - Account username.
class tator.models.DownloadInfo(key=None, url=None)
key (str) - Object key.
url (str) - URL for downloading object specified by key.
class tator.models.DownloadInfoSpec(keys=None)
- keys (list[str]) - Array of object keys for download info retrieval.
class tator.models.EmailAttachmentSpec(key=None, name=None)
key (str) - S3 key of file
name (str) - Name of file to use in attachment
class tator.models.EmailSpec(attachments=None, recipients=None, subject=None, text=None)
attachments (list[EmailAttachmentSpec]) - S3 object(s) to send as attachment(s). Ensure the attachment size does not exceed the corresponding email service limits
recipients (list[str]) - Recipients of the email message. They must be members of this project. Entries are either in “Name [](” or “” format
subject (str) - Subject of the email message
text (str) - Text body of the email message. HTML is currently not supported.
class tator.models.EncodeConfig(crf=23, movflags='', pixel_format='yuv420p', preset='fast', tune='fastdecode', vcodec='hevc')
crf (int) - Constant rate factor.
movflags (str) - Movflags to specify to packager
pixel_format (str) - Pixel format selection. Of note, compatibility varies significantly from codec to codec based on encoder support.SW Encoders: h264 when using libx264 supports: yuv420p yuvj420p yuv422p yuvj422p yuv444p yuvj444p nv12 nv16 nv21 yuv420p10le yuv422p10le yuv444p10le nv20leh265 when using libsvt_hevc supports: yuv420p yuvj420p yuv422p yuvj422p yuv444p yuvj444p nv12 nv16 nv21 yuv420p10le yuv422p10le yuv444p10le nv20leav1 when using libsvtav1 supports: yuv420p yuv422p yuv444p yuv420p10le yuv422p10le yuv444p10leGenerally hardware encoders like QSV only support nv12(yuv420p) or p010le(yuv420p10le). Tator converts to the appropriate hardware format based on the specified pixel format.
preset (str) - Preset for ffmpeg encoding.
tune (str) - Tune setting for ffmpeg.
vcodec (str) - Video codec.
class tator.models.Favorite(entity_type_name=None, id=None, name=None, page=1, type=None, user=None, values=None)
entity_type_name (str) - Name of entity type associated with the favorite
id (int) - Unique integer identifying a favorite.
name (str) - Name of the favorite.
page (int) - Integer specifying page to display on. Should be 1-10.
type (int) - Unique integer identifying entity type of this entry.
user (int) - Unique integer identifying a user.
values (dict(str, object)) - Attribute name/value pairs.
class tator.models.FavoriteSpec(entity_type_name=None, name=None, page=1, type=None, values=None)
entity_type_name (str) - Name of entity type associated with the favorite
name (str) - Name of the favorite.
page (int) - Integer specifying page to display on. Should be 1-10.
type (int) - Unique integer identifying an entity type.
values (dict(str, object)) - Attribute name/value pairs.
class tator.models.FavoriteUpdate(entity_type_name=None, name=None)
entity_type_name (str) - Name of entity type associated with the favorite
name (str) - Name of the favorite.
class tator.models.FeedDefinition(name=None, resolution=None)
name (str) - Name of the feed.
resolution (list[int]) - Resolution of the video in pixels (height, width).
class tator.models.File(attributes=None, created_by=None, created_datetime=None, description=None, elemental_id=None, id=None, modified_by=None, modified_datetime=None, name=None, path=None, project=None, type=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values
created_by (int) - User that created this file
created_datetime (datetime) - Datetime this file was created
description (str) - Description of file
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying the non-media file
modified_by (int) - User who last edited this file
modified_datetime (datetime) - Datetime this file was created
name (str) - Name of file
path (str) - Relative URL to the file
project (int) - Unique integer identifying the project associated with the file
type (int) - Unique integer identifying FileType of this File object.
class tator.models.FileSpec(attributes=None, description=None, elemental_id=None, name=None, type=None, user_elemental_id=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values
description (str) - Description of file
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
name (str) - Name of file
type (int) - Unique integer identifying FileType of this File object.
user_elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
class tator.models.FileType(attribute_types=None, description='', elemental_id=None, id=None, name=None, project=None)
attribute_types (list[AttributeType]) - Attribute type definitions.
description (str) - Description of the file type.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying a file type.
name (str) - Name of the file type.
project (int) - Unique integer identifying project for this file type.
class tator.models.FileTypeSpec(attribute_types=None, description='', elemental_id=None, name=None)
attribute_types (list[AttributeType]) - Attribute type definitions.
description (str) - Description of the file type.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
name (str) - Name of the file type.
class tator.models.FileTypeUpdate(description='', elemental_id=None, name=None)
description (str) - Description of the file type.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
name (str) - Name of the file type.
class tator.models.FileUpdate(attributes=None, description=None, elemental_id=None, name=None, null_attributes=None, path=None, reset_attributes=None, type=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values
description (str) - Description of file
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
name (str) - Name of file
null_attributes (list[str]) - Null a value in the attributes body
path (str) - Relative URL to the file
reset_attributes (list[str]) - Reset an attribute to the default value specified in the Type object
type (int) - Unique integer identifying FileType of this File object.
class tator.models.Fill(color=None, style=None)
color (object) - RGB array, RGBA array, or hex string.
style (str) - Type of fill effect
class tator.models.FloatArrayQuery(center=None, metric='l2norm', name=None, order='asc')
center (list[float]) - Center of the query.
metric (str) - Distance metric from center of query.
name (str) - Name of the attribute.
order (str) - Order in which results should be returned.
class tator.models.GenericFile(name=None, project=None, upload_url=None, url=None)
name (str) - Name of generic, non-media file
project (int) - Unique integer identifying project to store the file in
upload_url (str) - URL of the uploaded file
url (str) - Name of generic, non-media file
class tator.models.GenericFileSpec(name=None, upload_url=None)
name (str) - Name of generic, non-media file
upload_url (str) - URL of the uploaded file
class tator.models.GetClonedMediaResponse(ids=None, message=None)
ids (list[int]) - List of unique integers identifying cloned objects.
message (str) - Message indicating return of cloned media list.
class tator.models.ImageDefinition(host=None, http_auth=None, mime=None, path=None, resolution=None, size=None)
host (str) - If supplied will use this instead of currently connected host, e.g.
http_auth (str) - If specified will be used for HTTP authorization in request for media, i.e. “bearer TOKEN”.
mime (str) - Example mime: “image/jpg”.
path (str) - Relative URL to the file.
resolution (list[int]) - Resolution of the video in pixels (height, width).
size (int) - File size in bytes.
class tator.models.Invitation(created_by=None, created_datetime=None, created_username=None, email=None, id=None, organization=None, permission=None, registration_token=None, status=None)
created_by (int) - Unique integer identifying a user.
created_datetime (datetime) - Datetime this invitation was created.
created_username (str) - Username of creator of the invitation.
email (str) - Email address of invitee.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying an invitation.
organization (int) - Unique integer identifying an organization.
permission (str) - User permission level for the organization.
registration_token (str) - Registration token.
status (str) - Status of the invitation.
class tator.models.InvitationSpec(email=None, permission=None)
email (str) - Email address of invitee.
permission (str) - User permission level for the organization.
class tator.models.InvitationUpdate(permission=None, status=None)
permission (str) - User permission level for the organization.
status (str) - Status of the invitation.
class tator.models.Job(gid=None, id=None, nodes=None, project=None, start_time=None, status=None, stop_time=None, uid=None, user=None)
gid (str) - Group ID of the job.
id (str) - Unique identifier of the job generated by Argo.
nodes (list[JobNode]) -
project (int) - Unique integer identifying a project.
start_time (datetime) - Start time of this job.
status (str) - Status of this job.
stop_time (datetime) - Stop time of this job.
uid (str) - Unique ID of the job.
user (int) - Unique integer identifying user who submitted the job.
class tator.models.JobCluster(cert=None, host=None, id=None, name=None, organization=None, port=None, token=None)
cert (str) - Certificate for accessing the job cluster.
host (str) - Hostname where the cluster can be accessed.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying the job cluster.
name (str) - Unique name of the job cluster.
organization (int) - Unique integer identifying the organization associated with the job cluster.
port (int) - Port where the cluster can be accessed.
token (str) - Token for accessing the job cluster.
class tator.models.JobClusterSpec(cert=None, host=None, name=None, port=None, token=None)
cert (str) - Certificate for accessing the job cluster.
host (str) - Hostname where the cluster can be accessed.
name (str) - Unique name of the job cluster.
port (int) - Port where the cluster can be accessed.
token (str) - Token for accessing the job cluster.
class tator.models.JobNode(children=None, id=None, start_time=None, status=None, stop_time=None, task=None)
children (list[str]) -
id (str) - Unique identifier of the job node.
start_time (datetime) - Start time of this node.
status (str) - Status of this node.
stop_time (datetime) - Stop time of this node.
task (str) - Name of task performed by this node.
class tator.models.JobSpec(algorithm_name=None, extra_params=None, failure_email_spec=None, media_ids=None, success_email_spec=None)
algorithm_name (str) - Name of the algorithm to execute.
extra_params (list[AlgorithmParameter]) - Extra parameters to pass into the algorithm
failure_email_spec (JobSpecFailureEmailSpec) -
media_ids (list[int]) - List of media IDs.
success_email_spec (JobSpecFailureEmailSpec) -
class tator.models.JobSpecFailureEmailSpec(attachments=None, recipients=None, subject=None, text=None)
attachments (list[EmailAttachmentSpec]) - S3 object(s) to send as attachment(s). Ensure the attachment size does not exceed the corresponding email service limits
recipients (list[str]) - Recipients of the email message. They must be members of this project. Entries are either in “Name [](” or “” format
subject (str) - Subject of the email message
text (str) - Text body of the email message. HTML is currently not supported.
class tator.models.Leaf(attributes=None, id=None, name=None, parent=None, path=None, project=None, type=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying the leaf.
name (str) - Name of the leaf.
parent (int) - ID to use as parent if there is one.
path (str) - Full path to leaf in hierarchy.
project (int) - Unique integer identifying a project.
type (int) - Unique integer identifying the entity type.
class tator.models.LeafBulkUpdate(attributes=None, float_array=None, ids=None, null_attributes=None, object_search=None, reset_attributes=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Attribute values to bulk update an entity list.
float_array (list[FloatArrayQuery]) - Searches on float_array attributes.
ids (list[int]) - Array of leaf IDs to retrieve.
null_attributes (list[str]) - Null a value in the attributes body
object_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
reset_attributes (list[str]) - Reset an attribute to the default value specified in the Type object
class tator.models.LeafIdQuery(float_array=None, ids=None, object_search=None)
float_array (list[FloatArrayQuery]) - Searches on float_array attributes.
ids (list[int]) - Array of leaf IDs to retrieve.
object_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
class tator.models.LeafSpec(attributes=None, name=None, parent=None, type=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values.
name (str) - Name of the leaf.
parent (int) - ID to use as parent if there is one.
type (int) - Unique integer identifying a leaf type.
class tator.models.LeafSuggestion(data=None, group=None, value=None)
data (dict(str, object)) - Auxiliary data associated with the leaf.
group (str) - Group of the suggestion.
value (str) - Name of the suggestion.
class tator.models.LeafType(attribute_types=None, description='', dtype=None, elemental_id=None, id=None, name=None, project=None)
attribute_types (list[AttributeType]) - Attribute type definitions.
description (str) - Description of the leaf type.
dtype (str) - Name of this data type, value is always “leaf”.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying a leaf type.
name (str) - Name of the leaf type.
project (int) - Unique integer identifying project for this leaf type.
class tator.models.LeafTypeSpec(attribute_types=None, description='', elemental_id=None, name=None)
attribute_types (list[AttributeType]) - Attribute type definitions.
description (str) - Description of the leaf type.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
name (str) - Name of the leaf type.
class tator.models.LeafTypeUpdate(description=None, elemental_id=None, name=None)
description (str) - Description of the leaf type.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
name (str) - Name of the leaf type.
class tator.models.LeafUpdate(attributes=None, name=None, null_attributes=None, reset_attributes=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Attribute values to update.
name (str) - Name of the leaf.
null_attributes (list[str]) - Null a value in the attributes body
reset_attributes (list[str]) - Reset an attribute to the default value specified in the Type object
class tator.models.LiveDefinition(feeds=None, url=None)
feeds (list[FeedDefinition]) -
url (str) - URL to streaming server.
class tator.models.LiveUpdateDefinition(layout=None, streams=None)
layout (list[int]) - 2-element array to define rxc layout
streams (list[LiveDefinition]) -
class tator.models.Localization(attributes=None, created_by=None, created_datetime=None, elemental_id=None, frame=None, height=None, id=None, media=None, modified_by=None, modified_datetime=None, parent=None, points=None, project=None, thumbnail_image=None, type=None, u=None, user=None, v=None, variant_deleted=None, version=None, width=None, x=None, y=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values.
created_by (int) - Unique integer identifying the user who created this localization.
created_datetime (datetime) - Datetime this localization was created.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
frame (int) - Frame number of this localization if it is in a video.
height (float) - Normalized height of bounding box for box localization types.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying this localization.
media (int) - Unique integer identifying media of this localization.
modified_by (int) - Unique integer identifying the user who last modified this localization.
modified_datetime (datetime) - Datetime this localization was last modified.
parent (float) - If a clone, the pk of the parent.
points (list[list[float]]) - List of normalized [x, y] pairs for poly localization types.
project (int) - Unique integer identifying project of this localization.
thumbnail_image (str) - URL of thumbnail corresponding to this localization.
type (int) - Unique integer identifying entity type of this localization.
u (float) - Horizontal vector component for line localization types.
user (int) - Unique integer identifying the user who created this localization.
v (float) - Vertical vector component for line localization types.
variant_deleted (bool) - Unique integer identifying the user who created this localization.
version (int) - Unique integer identifying a version.
width (float) - Normalized width of bounding box for box localization types.
x (float) - Normalized horizontal position of left edge of bounding box for box localization types, start of line for line localization types, or position of dot for dot localization types.
y (float) - Normalized vertical position of top edge of bounding box for box localization types, start of line for line localization types, or position of dot for dot localization types.
class tator.models.LocalizationBulkDelete(float_array=None, ids=None, media_ids=None, media_query=None, null_attributes=None, object_search=None, prune=0, reset_attributes=None, state_ids=None)
float_array (list[FloatArrayQuery]) - Searches on float_array attributes.
ids (list[int]) - Array of localization IDs to retrieve.
media_ids (list[int]) - Array of parent media IDs for which localizations should be retrieved.
media_query (str) - Query string used to filter media IDs. This can be used to avoid serialization and download of a media ID list.
null_attributes (list[str]) - Null a value in the attributes body
object_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
prune (int) - If set to 1 will purge the object from the database entirely. This removes any record, change-log, that this metadatum ever existed.
reset_attributes (list[str]) - Reset an attribute to the default value specified in the Type object
state_ids (list[int]) - Array of parent state IDs for which localizations should be retrieved.
class tator.models.LocalizationBulkUpdate(attributes=None, float_array=None, ids=None, media_ids=None, media_query=None, new_elemental_id=None, new_version=None, object_search=None, state_ids=None, user_elemental_id=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Attribute values to bulk update an entity list.
float_array (list[FloatArrayQuery]) - Searches on float_array attributes.
ids (list[int]) - Array of localization IDs to retrieve.
media_ids (list[int]) - Array of parent media IDs for which localizations should be retrieved.
media_query (str) - Query string used to filter media IDs. This can be used to avoid serialization and download of a media ID list.
new_elemental_id (str) - The new elemental ID for these objects
new_version (int) - Unique integer identifying a new version for these objects
object_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
state_ids (list[int]) - Array of parent state IDs for which localizations should be retrieved.
user_elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of the original user who created this. If permissions allow, will change the creating user to the one referenced by this elemental_id
class tator.models.LocalizationDelete(prune=0)
- prune (int) - If set to 1 will purge the object from the database entirely. This removes any record, change-log, that this metadatum ever existed.
class tator.models.LocalizationIdQuery(float_array=None, ids=None, media_ids=None, media_query=None, object_search=None, state_ids=None)
float_array (list[FloatArrayQuery]) - Searches on float_array attributes.
ids (list[int]) - Array of localization IDs to retrieve.
media_ids (list[int]) - Array of parent media IDs for which localizations should be retrieved.
media_query (str) - Query string used to filter media IDs. This can be used to avoid serialization and download of a media ID list.
object_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
state_ids (list[int]) - Array of parent state IDs for which localizations should be retrieved.
class tator.models.LocalizationSpec(attributes=None, elemental_id=None, frame=None, height=None, media_id=None, parent=None, points=None, type=None, u=None, user_elemental_id=None, v=None, version=None, width=None, x=None, y=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
frame (int) - Frame number of this localization if it is in a video.
height (float) - Normalized height of bounding box for box localization types.
media_id (int) - Unique integer identifying a media.
parent (float) - If a clone, the pk of the parent.
points (list[list[float]]) - List of normalized [x, y] pairs for poly localization types.
type (int) - Unique integer identifying a localization type.
u (float) - Horizontal vector component for line localization types.
user_elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of the original user who created this. If permissions allow, will change the creating user to the one referenced by this elemental_id
v (float) - Vertical vector component for line localization types.
version (int) - Unique integer identifying the version.
width (float) - Normalized width of bounding box for box localization types.
x (float) - Normalized horizontal position of left edge of bounding box for box localization types, start of line for line localization types, or position of dot for dot localization types.
y (float) - Normalized vertical position of top edge of bounding box for box localization types, start of line for line localization types, or position of dot for dot localization types.
class tator.models.LocalizationType(attribute_types=None, color_map=None, description=None, drawable=True, dtype=None, elemental_id=None, grouping_default=True, id=None, line_width=None, media=None, name=None, project=None, visible=True)
attribute_types (list[AttributeType]) - Attribute type definitions.
color_map (ColorMap) -
description (str) - Description of the localization type.
drawable (bool) - Whether this type can be drawn in the UI. Must also be visible.
dtype (str) - Shape of this localization type.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
grouping_default (bool) - Whether to group elements in the UI by default.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying a localization type.
line_width (int) - Width of the line used to draw the localization.
media (list[int]) - List of integers identifying media types that this localization type may apply to.
name (str) - Name of the localization type.
project (int) - Unique integer identifying project for this leaf type.
visible (bool) - Whether this type should be displayed in the UI.
class tator.models.LocalizationTypeSpec(attribute_types=None, color_map=None, description=None, drawable=True, dtype=None, elemental_id=None, grouping_default=True, line_width=None, media_types=None, name=None, visible=True)
attribute_types (list[AttributeType]) - Attribute type definitions.
color_map (ColorMap) -
description (str) - Description of the localization type.
drawable (bool) - Whether this type can be drawn in the UI. Must also be visible.
dtype (str) - Shape of this localization type.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
grouping_default (bool) - Whether to group elements in the UI by default.
line_width (int) - Width of the line used to draw the localization.
media_types (list[int]) - List of integers identifying media types that this localization type may apply to.
name (str) - Name of the localization type.
visible (bool) - Whether this type should be displayed in the UI.
class tator.models.LocalizationTypeUpdate(color_map=None, description=None, drawable=True, elemental_id=None, grouping_default=True, line_width=None, name=None, visible=True)
color_map (ColorMap) -
description (str) - Description of the localization type.
drawable (bool) - Whether this type can be drawn in the UI. Must also be visible.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
grouping_default (bool) - Whether to group elements in the UI by default.
line_width (int) - Width of the line used to draw the localization.
name (str) - Name of the localization type.
visible (bool) - Whether this type should be displayed in the UI.
class tator.models.LocalizationUpdate(attributes=None, elemental_id=None, frame=None, height=None, null_attributes=None, parent=None, points=None, reset_attributes=None, u=None, user_elemental_id=None, v=None, width=None, x=None, y=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
frame (int) - Frame number of this localization if it is in a video.
height (float) - Normalized height of bounding box for box localization types.
null_attributes (list[str]) - Null a value in the attributes body
parent (float) - If a clone, the pk of the parent.
points (list[list[float]]) - List of normalized [x, y] pairs for poly localization types.
reset_attributes (list[str]) - Reset an attribute to the default value specified in the Type object
u (float) - Horizontal vector component for line localization types.
user_elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of the original user who created this. If permissions allow, will change the creating user to the one referenced by this elemental_id
v (float) - Vertical vector component for line localization types.
width (float) - Normalized width of bounding box for box localization types.
x (float) - Normalized horizontal position of left edge of bounding box for box localization types, start of line for line localization types, or position of dot for dot localization types.
y (float) - Normalized vertical position of top edge of bounding box for box localization types, start of line for line localization types, or position of dot for dot localization types.
class tator.models.Media(archive_state=None, archive_status_date=None, attributes=None, codec=None, created_by=None, created_datetime=None, elemental_id=None, fps=None, gid=None, height=None, id=None, incident=None, last_edit_end=None, last_edit_start=None, md5=None, media_files=None, modified_by=None, modified_datetime=None, name=None, num_frames=None, project=None, summary_level=None, type=None, uid=None, width=None)
archive_state (str) - The current archival state of the media.
archive_status_date (datetime) - Datetime of the last change to the archive_state field.
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values.
codec (str) - Codec for videos.
created_by (int) - Unique integer identifying user who created this media.
created_datetime (str) - Datetime when this media was created.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
fps (float) - Frame rate for videos.
gid (str) - Group ID for the upload group of this media.
height (int) - Vertical resolution in pixels.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying this media.
incident (int) - If doing a related search, will contain the number of matching metadata hits in this media.
last_edit_end (datetime) - Datetime of the end of the session when this media or its annotations were last edited.
last_edit_start (datetime) - Datetime of the start of the session when this media or its annotations were last edited.
md5 (str) - MD5 checksum of the media file.
media_files (MediaFiles) -
modified_by (int) - Unique integer identifying user who last modified this media.
modified_datetime (str) - Datetime when this media was last modified.
name (str) - Name of the media.
num_frames (int) - Number of frames for videos.
project (int) - Unique integer identifying project of this media.
summary_level (int) - If supplied, this video is best summarized at this frame interval
type (int) - Unique integer identifying entity type of this media.
uid (str) - Unique ID for the upload of this media.
width (int) - Horizontal resolution in pixels.
class tator.models.MediaBulkUpdate(archive_state=None, attributes=None, float_array=None, ids=None, localization_ids=None, null_attributes=None, object_search=None, reset_attributes=None, state_ids=None, user_elemental_id=None)
archive_state (str) - Marks media for archival or retrieval. Media may not be set directly to live or archived, the system performs that transition for the user.
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Attribute values to bulk update an entity list.
float_array (list[FloatArrayQuery]) - Searches on float_array attributes.
ids (list[int]) - Array of media IDs to retrieve.
localization_ids (list[int]) - Array of child localization IDs for which media should be retrieved.
null_attributes (list[str]) - Null a value in the attributes body
object_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
reset_attributes (list[str]) - Reset an attribute to the default value specified in the Type object
state_ids (list[int]) - Array of child state IDs for which media should be retrieved.
user_elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of the original user who created this. If permissions allow, will change the creating user to the one referenced by this elemental_id
class tator.models.MediaFiles(archival=None, attachment=None, audio=None, concat=None, frame_offset=None, ids=None, image=None, layout=None, live=None, quality=None, streaming=None, thumbnail=None, thumbnail_gif=None)
archival (list[VideoDefinition]) -
attachment (list[AuxiliaryFileDefinition]) -
audio (list[AudioDefinition]) -
concat (list[ConcatDefinition]) -
frame_offset (list[int]) - Frame of sub-video, offset from media in slot 0.
ids (list[int]) - If multi-stream list of ids of sub-videos
image (list[ImageDefinition]) -
layout (list[int]) - 2-element array to define rxc layout
live (list[LiveDefinition]) -
quality (int) - Resolution to fetch on each sub-video
streaming (list[VideoDefinition]) -
thumbnail (list[ImageDefinition]) -
thumbnail_gif (list[ImageDefinition]) -
class tator.models.MediaIdQuery(float_array=None, ids=None, localization_ids=None, object_search=None, state_ids=None)
float_array (list[FloatArrayQuery]) - Searches on float_array attributes.
ids (list[int]) - Array of media IDs to retrieve.
localization_ids (list[int]) - Array of child localization IDs for which media should be retrieved.
object_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
state_ids (list[int]) - Array of child state IDs for which media should be retrieved.
class tator.models.MediaNext(next=None)
- next (int) -
class tator.models.MediaPrev(prev=None)
- prev (int) -
class tator.models.MediaSpec(attributes=None, codec=None, elemental_id=None, fps=None, gid=None, height=None, md5=None, name=None, num_frames=None, reference_only=0, section=None, summary_level=None, thumbnail_gif_url=None, thumbnail_url=None, type=None, uid=None, url=None, user_elemental_id=None, width=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values.
codec (str) - Codec for videos.
elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of an element
fps (float) - Frame rate for videos.
gid (str) - Group ID for the upload group of this media.
height (int) - Vertical resolution in pixels.
md5 (str) - MD5 sum of the media file.
name (str) - Name of the file.
num_frames (int) - Number of frames for videos.
reference_only (int) - Do not import the media resources into Tator. This causes the image to be accessed at the supplied URL upon access in the UI. Valid for images only.
section (str) - Media section name.
summary_level (int) - If supplied, this video is best summarized at this frame interval
thumbnail_gif_url (str) - Upload URL for the video gif thumbnail if already generated.
thumbnail_url (str) - Upload URL for the media thumbnail if already generated.
type (int) - Unique integer identifying a media type. Use -1 to automatically select the media type if only one media type exists in a project.
uid (str) - Unique ID for the upload of this media.
url (str) - Upload URL for the image if this is an image type, URL of hosted original media if this is a video type. For video types this field is just for reference.
user_elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of the original user who created this. If permissions allow, will change the creating user to the one referenced by this elemental_id
width (int) - Horizontal resolution in pixels.
class tator.models.MediaStats(count=None, download_size=None, duration=None, total_size=None)
count (int) -
download_size (int) -
duration (float) -
total_size (int) -
class tator.models.MediaType(archive_config=None, attribute_types=None, default_box=None, default_dot=None, default_line=None, default_volume=None, description='', dtype=None, elemental_id=None, file_format=None, id=None, name=None, overlay_config=None, project=None, streaming_config=None, visible=None)
archive_config (list[ArchiveConfig]) - Archive config definitions. If null, the raw file will be uploaded to Tator.
attribute_types (list[AttributeType]) - Attribute type definitions.
default_box (int) - Unique integer identifying default box type for drawing.
default_dot (int) - Unique integer identifying default dot type for drawing.
default_line (int) - Unique integer identifying default line type for drawing.
default_volume (int) - Default audio volume for this media type.
description (str) - Description of the media type.
dtype (str) - Type of the media, image or video.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
file_format (str) - File extension. If omitted, any recognized file extension for the given dtype is accepted for upload. Do not include a dot prefix.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying a media type.
name (str) - Name of the media type.
overlay_config (dict(str, object)) - Overlay configuration
project (int) - Unique integer identifying project for this media type.
streaming_config (list[ResolutionConfig]) - Streaming config definition. If null, the default will be used.
visible (bool) - Visible configuration
class tator.models.MediaTypeSpec(archive_config=None, attribute_types=None, default_box=None, default_dot=None, default_line=None, default_volume=None, description='', dtype=None, elemental_id=None, file_format=None, name=None, overlay_config=None, streaming_config=None, visible=None)
archive_config (list[ArchiveConfig]) - Archive config definitions. If null, the raw file will be uploaded to Tator.
attribute_types (list[AttributeType]) - Attribute type definitions.
default_box (int) - Unique integer identifying default box type for drawing.
default_dot (int) - Unique integer identifying default dot type for drawing.
default_line (int) - Unique integer identifying default line type for drawing.
default_volume (int) - Default audio volume for this media type.
description (str) - Description of the media type.
dtype (str) - Type of the media, image or video.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
file_format (str) - File extension. If omitted, any recognized file extension for the given dtype is accepted for upload. Do not include a dot prefix.
name (str) - Name of the media type.
overlay_config (dict(str, object)) - Overlay configuration
streaming_config (list[ResolutionConfig]) - Streaming config definition. If null, the default will be used.
visible (bool) - Visible configuration
class tator.models.MediaTypeUpdate(archive_config=None, default_box=None, default_dot=None, default_line=None, default_volume=None, description=None, elemental_id=None, file_format=None, name=None, streaming_config=None, visible=None)
archive_config (list[ArchiveConfig]) - Archive config definitions. If null, the raw file will be uploaded to Tator.
default_box (int) - Unique integer identifying default box type for drawing.
default_dot (int) - Unique integer identifying default dot type for drawing.
default_line (int) - Unique integer identifying default line type for drawing.
default_volume (int) - Default audio volume for this media type.
description (str) - Description of the media type.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
file_format (str) - File extension. If omitted, any recognized file extension for the given dtype is accepted for upload. Do not include a dot prefix.
name (str) - Name of the media type.
streaming_config (list[ResolutionConfig]) - Streaming config definition. If null, the default will be used.
visible (bool) - Visible configuration
class tator.models.MediaUpdate(archive_state=None, attributes=None, codec=None, concat=None, elemental_id=None, fps=None, height=None, last_edit_end=None, last_edit_start=None, live=None, media_files=None, multi=None, name=None, null_attributes=None, num_frames=None, reset_attributes=None, summary_level=None, user_elemental_id=None, width=None)
archive_state (str) - Marks media for archival or retrieval. Media may not be set directly to live or archived, the system performs that transition for the user.
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values.
codec (str) - Codec of the original video.
concat (list[ConcatDefinition]) - List of concated videos
elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of an element
fps (float) - Frame rate of the video.
height (int) - Pixel height of the video.
last_edit_end (datetime) - Datetime of the end of the session when this media or its annotations were last edited.
last_edit_start (datetime) - Datetime of the start of the session when this media or its annotations were last edited.
live (LiveUpdateDefinition) -
media_files (MediaFiles) -
multi (MultiDefinition) -
name (str) - Name of the media.
null_attributes (list[str]) - Null a value in the attributes body
num_frames (int) - Number of frames in the video.
reset_attributes (list[str]) - Reset an attribute to the default value specified in the Type object
summary_level (int) - If supplied, this video is best summarized at this frame interval
user_elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of the original user who created this. If permissions allow, will change the creating user to the one referenced by this elemental_id
width (int) - Pixel width of the video.
class tator.models.Membership(default_version=None, email=None, first_name=None, id=None, last_name=None, permission=None, project=None, user=None, username=None)
default_version (int) - Unique integer identifying a version.
email (str) - Email address of user.
first_name (str) - First name of user.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying a membership.
last_name (str) - Last name of user.
permission (str) - User permission level for the project.
project (int) - Unique integer identifying project for this membership.
user (int) - Unique integer identifying a user.
username (str) - Username for the membership.
class tator.models.MembershipSpec(default_version=None, permission=None, user=None)
default_version (int) - Unique integer identifying a version.
permission (str) - User permission level for the project.
user (int) - Unique integer identifying a user.
class tator.models.MembershipUpdate(default_version=None, permission=None)
default_version (int) - Unique integer identifying a version.
permission (str) - User permission level for the project.
class tator.models.MessageResponse(message=None)
- message (str) - Message explaining response.
class tator.models.MultiDefinition(frame_offset=None, ids=None, layout=None, quality=None)
frame_offset (list[int]) - Frame of sub-video, offset from media in slot 0.
ids (list[int]) - If multi-stream list of ids of sub-videos
layout (list[int]) - 2-element array to define rxc layout
quality (int) - Resolution to fetch on each sub-video
class tator.models.NotFoundResponse(message=None)
- message (str) - Message explaining not found error.
class tator.models.NotifySpec(message=None, send_as_file=None)
message (str) - Message to send to administrators.
send_as_file (int) - Whether to send message as a file. (0 or 1)
class tator.models.Organization(default_membership_permission=None, id=None, name=None, permission=None, thumb=None)
default_membership_permission (str) - Default user permission level for all projects in this organization. If specified, users in this organizaiton will be automatically added to all projects in this organization with at least this permission level.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying the organization.
name (str) - Name of the organization.
permission (str) - Permission level of user making request.
thumb (str) - S3 key of thumbnail used to represent the organization.
class tator.models.OrganizationSpec(default_membership_permission=None, name=None, thumb=None)
default_membership_permission (str) - Default user permission level for all projects in this organization. If specified, users in this organizaiton will be automatically added to all projects in this organization with at least this permission level.
name (str) - Name of the organization.
thumb (str) - S3 key of thumbnail used to represent the organization.
class tator.models.OrganizationUpdate(default_membership_permission=None, name=None, thumb=None)
default_membership_permission (str) - Default user permission level for all projects in this organization. If specified, users in this organizaiton will be automatically added to all projects in this organization with at least this permission level.
name (str) - Name of the organization.
thumb (str) - S3 key of thumbnail used to represent the organization.
class tator.models.PasswordResetSpec(email=None)
- email (str) - Email address registered for user requesting reset.
class tator.models.Project(backup_bucket=None, bucket=None, created=None, duration=None, elemental_id=None, enable_downloads=True, id=None, name=None, num_files=None, organization=None, permission=None, size=None, summary='', thumb=None, upload_bucket=None, usernames=None)
backup_bucket (int) - Unique integer identifying a bucket for backups.
bucket (int) - Unique integer identifying a bucket.
created (str) - Datetime when this project was created.
duration (int) - Total duration of all video in the project.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
enable_downloads (bool) - Whether the UI should allow downloads for this project.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying the project.
name (str) - Name of the project.
num_files (int) - Number of files in the project.
organization (int) - Unique integer identifying an organization.
permission (str) - Permission level of user making request.
size (int) - Size of the project in bytes.
summary (str) - Summary of the project.
thumb (str) - S3 key of thumbnail used to represent the project.
upload_bucket (int) - Unique integer identifying a bucket for uploads.
usernames (list[str]) - List of usernames of project members.
class tator.models.ProjectSpec(backup_bucket=None, bucket=None, elemental_id=None, enable_downloads=True, name=None, organization=None, summary='', upload_bucket=None)
backup_bucket (int) - Unique integer identifying a bucket for backups.
bucket (int) - Unique integer identifying a bucket.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
enable_downloads (bool) - Whether the UI should allow downloads for this project.
name (str) - Name of the project.
organization (int) - Unique integer identifying an organization.
summary (str) - Summary of the project.
upload_bucket (int) - Unique integer identifying a bucket for uploads.
class tator.models.ProjectUpdate(backup_bucket=None, bucket=None, elemental_id=None, enable_downloads=None, name=None, summary=None, thumb=None, upload_bucket=None)
backup_bucket (int) - Unique integer identifying a bucket for backups.
bucket (int) - Unique integer identifying a bucket.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
enable_downloads (bool) - Whether the UI should allow downloads for this project.
name (str) - Name of the project.
summary (str) - Summary of the project.
thumb (str) - S3 key of thumbnail used to represent the project.
upload_bucket (int) - Unique integer identifying a bucket for uploads.
class tator.models.ResolutionConfig(crf=23, pixel_format='yuv420p', preset='', resolution=None, vcodec='h264')
crf (int) - Constant rate factor.
pixel_format (str) - Pixel format selection. Of note, compatibility varies significantly from codec to codec based on encoder support.SW Encoders: h264 when using libx264 supports: yuv420p yuvj420p yuv422p yuvj422p yuv444p yuvj444p nv12 nv16 nv21 yuv420p10le yuv422p10le yuv444p10le nv20leh265 when using libsvt_hevc supports: yuv420p yuvj420p yuv422p yuvj422p yuv444p yuvj444p nv12 nv16 nv21 yuv420p10le yuv422p10le yuv444p10le nv20leav1 when using libsvtav1 supports: yuv420p yuv422p yuv444p yuv420p10le yuv422p10le yuv444p10leGenerally hardware encoders like QSV only support nv12(yuv420p) or p010le(yuv420p10le). Tator converts to the appropriate hardware format based on the specified pixel format.
preset (str) - Codec Specific Preset (e.g. fast, medium, or 0,1,2)
resolution (int) - Vertical Resolution
vcodec (str) - Video codec.
class tator.models.S3StorageConfig(aws_access_key=None, aws_secret_access_key=None, bucket_name=None)
aws_access_key (str) - AWS access key.
aws_secret_access_key (str) - AWS secret access key.
bucket_name (str) - Name of bucket.
class tator.models.Section(elemental_id=None, id=None, name=None, object_search=None, path=None, project=None, related_search=None, tator_user_sections=None, visible=None)
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying the section.
name (str) - Unique name of the section.
object_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
path (str) - A path to represent nested sections. If not supplied, defaults to re.sub(r’A-Za-z0-9_-’,path)
project (int) - Unique integer identifying the project associated with the section.
related_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
tator_user_sections (str) - Attribute that is applied to media to identify membership to a section.
visible (bool) - Determines the visibility in the UI.
class tator.models.SectionSpec(elemental_id=None, name=None, object_search=None, path=None, related_search=None, tator_user_sections=None, visible=None)
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
name (str) - Unique name of the section.
object_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
path (str) - A path to represent nested sections. If not supplied, defaults to re.sub(r’A-Za-z0-9_-’,path)
related_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
tator_user_sections (str) - Attribute that is applied to media to identify membership to a section.
visible (bool) - Determines the visibility in the UI.
class tator.models.SectionUpdate(elemental_id=None, name=None, object_search=None, path=None, related_search=None, tator_user_sections=None, visible=None)
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
name (str) - Unique name of the section.
object_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
path (str) - A path to represent nested sections. If not supplied, defaults to re.sub(r’A-Za-z0-9_-’,path)
related_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
tator_user_sections (str) - Attribute that is applied to media to identify membership to a section.
visible (bool) - Determines the visibility in the UI.
class tator.models.State(attributes=None, created_by=None, created_datetime=None, elemental_id=None, frame=None, id=None, localizations=None, media=None, modified_by=None, modified_datetime=None, parent=None, segments=None, type=None, variant_deleted=None, version=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values.
created_by (int) - Unique integer identifying the user who created this state.
created_datetime (datetime) - Datetime this state was created.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
frame (int) - Frame number this state applies to.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying the state.
localizations (list[int]) - List of localization IDs that this state applies to.
media (list[int]) - List of media IDs that this state applies to.
modified_by (int) - Unique integer identifying the user who last modified this state.
modified_datetime (datetime) - Datetime this state was last modified.
parent (float) - If a clone, the pk of the parent.
segments (list[list[int]]) - List of contiguous frame ranges where a localization associated state has localization data.
type (int) - Unique integer identifying the entity type.
variant_deleted (bool) - Unique integer identifying the user who created this localization.
version (int) - Unique integer identifying the version.
class tator.models.StateBulkDelete(float_array=None, ids=None, localization_ids=None, media_ids=None, media_query=None, object_search=None, prune=0)
float_array (list[FloatArrayQuery]) - Searches on float_array attributes.
ids (list[int]) - Array of state IDs to retrieve.
localization_ids (list[int]) - Array of child localization IDs for which states should be retrieved.
media_ids (list[int]) - Array of parent media IDs for which states should be retrieved.
media_query (str) - Query string used to filter media IDs. This can be used to avoid serialization and download of a media ID list.
object_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
prune (int) - If set to 1 will purge the object from the database entirely. This removes any record, change-log, that this metadatum ever existed.
class tator.models.StateBulkUpdate(attributes=None, float_array=None, ids=None, localization_ids=None, media_ids=None, media_query=None, new_elemental_id=None, new_version=None, null_attributes=None, object_search=None, reset_attributes=None, user_elemental_id=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Attribute values to bulk update an entity list.
float_array (list[FloatArrayQuery]) - Searches on float_array attributes.
ids (list[int]) - Array of state IDs to retrieve.
localization_ids (list[int]) - Array of child localization IDs for which states should be retrieved.
media_ids (list[int]) - Array of parent media IDs for which states should be retrieved.
media_query (str) - Query string used to filter media IDs. This can be used to avoid serialization and download of a media ID list.
new_elemental_id (str) - The new elemental ID for these objects
new_version (int) - Unique integer identifying a new version for these objects
null_attributes (list[str]) - Null a value in the attributes body
object_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
reset_attributes (list[str]) - Reset an attribute to the default value specified in the Type object
user_elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of the original user who created this. If permissions allow, will change the creating user to the one referenced by this elemental_id
class tator.models.StateDelete(prune=0)
- prune (int) - If set to 1 will purge the object from the database entirely. This removes any record, change-log, that this metadatum ever existed.
class tator.models.StateIdQuery(float_array=None, ids=None, localization_ids=None, media_ids=None, media_query=None, object_search=None)
float_array (list[FloatArrayQuery]) - Searches on float_array attributes.
ids (list[int]) - Array of state IDs to retrieve.
localization_ids (list[int]) - Array of child localization IDs for which states should be retrieved.
media_ids (list[int]) - Array of parent media IDs for which states should be retrieved.
media_query (str) - Query string used to filter media IDs. This can be used to avoid serialization and download of a media ID list.
object_search (AttributeOperationSpec) -
class tator.models.StateMergeUpdate(merge_state_id=None)
- merge_state_id (int) - Unique integer identifying the state whose localizations will merge with this state.
class tator.models.StateSpec(attributes=None, elemental_id=None, frame=None, localization_ids=None, media_ids=None, parent=None, type=None, user_elemental_id=None, version=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
frame (int) - Frame number this state applies to.
localization_ids (list[int]) - List of localization IDs that this state applies to.
media_ids (list[int]) - List of media IDs that this state applies to.
parent (float) - If a clone, the pk of the parent.
type (int) - Unique integer identifying a state type.
user_elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of the original user who created this. If permissions allow, will change the creating user to the one referenced by this elemental_id
version (int) - Unique integer identifying the version.
class tator.models.StateTrimUpdate(endpoint=None, frame=None)
endpoint (str) - End point to trim to using the provided frame number.
frame (int) - Frame number of new end point
class tator.models.StateType(association=None, attribute_types=None, default_localization=None, delete_child_localizations=False, description=None, dtype=None, elemental_id=None, grouping_default=True, id=None, interpolation='latest', media=None, name=None, project=None, visible=None)
association (str) - Type of object this state type is associated with.
attribute_types (list[AttributeType]) - Attribute type definitions.
default_localization (int) - If this is a track type, this is a unique integer identifying the default localization type that is created when a track is created via the web interface.
delete_child_localizations (bool) - True if child localizations should be deleted when this state is deleted. Localizations will only be deleted if they are not associated with another state.
description (str) - Description of the state type.
dtype (str) - String indicating data type. Always equal to “state”.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
grouping_default (bool) - Whether to group elements in the UI by default.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying a state type.
interpolation (str) - Interpolation method used by the web interface.
media (list[int]) - List of integers identifying media types that this state type may apply to.
name (str) - Name of the state type.
project (int) - Unique integer identifying project for this state type.
visible (bool) - Whether this state type should be displayed.
class tator.models.StateTypeSpec(association=None, attribute_types=None, default_localization=None, delete_child_localizations=False, description=None, elemental_id=None, grouping_default=True, interpolation='latest', media_types=None, name=None, visible=None)
association (str) - Type of object this state type is associated with.
attribute_types (list[AttributeType]) - Attribute type definitions.
default_localization (int) - If this is a track type, this is a unique integer identifying the default localization type that is created when a track is created via the web interface.
delete_child_localizations (bool) - True if child localizations should be deleted when this state is deleted. Localizations will only be deleted if they are not associated with another state.
description (str) - Description of the state type.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
grouping_default (bool) - Whether to group elements in the UI by default.
interpolation (str) - Interpolation method used by the web interface.
media_types (list[int]) - List of integers identifying media types that this state type may apply to.
name (str) - Name of the state type.
visible (bool) - Whether this state type should be displayed.
class tator.models.StateTypeUpdate(delete_child_localizations=None, description=None, elemental_id=None, grouping_default=None, name=None, visible=None)
delete_child_localizations (bool) - True if child localizations should be deleted when this state is deleted. Localizations will only be deleted if they are not associated with another state.
description (str) - Description of the state type.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
grouping_default (bool) - Whether to group elements in the UI by default.
name (str) - Name of the state type.
visible (bool) - Whether this state type should be displayed.
class tator.models.StateUpdate(attributes=None, elemental_id=None, frame=None, localization_ids_add=None, localization_ids_remove=None, null_attributes=None, parent=None, reset_attributes=None, user_elemental_id=None)
attributes (dict(str, object)) - Object containing attribute values.
elemental_id (str) - The elemental ID of the object.
frame (int) - Frame number this state applies to.
localization_ids_add (list[int]) - List of new localization IDs that this state applies to.
localization_ids_remove (list[int]) - List of new localization IDs that this state applies to.
null_attributes (list[str]) - Null a value in the attributes body
parent (float) - If a clone, the pk of the parent.
reset_attributes (list[str]) - Reset an attribute to the default value specified in the Type object
user_elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of the original user who created this. If permissions allow, will change the creating user to the one referenced by this elemental_id
class tator.models.TemporaryFile(created_datetime=None, eol_datetime=None, id=None, lookup=None, name=None, path=None, project=None, user=None)
created_datetime (str) - Datetime when this temporary file was created.
eol_datetime (str) - Datetime when this temporary file may be deleted.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying a temporary file.
lookup (str) - md5hash of lookup parameters
name (str) - Unique name for the temporary file
path (str) - Full URL to the temporary file.
project (int) - Unique integer identifying a project.
user (int) - Unique integer identifying user who created this file.
class tator.models.TemporaryFileSpec(hours=24, lookup=None, name=None, url=None)
hours (int) - Number of hours file is to be kept alive
lookup (str) - md5hash of lookup parameters
name (str) - Unique name for the temporary file
url (str) - URL for the temporary file
class tator.models.Token(token=None)
- token (str) - API token.
class tator.models.Transcode(job=None, spec=None)
job (Job) -
spec (TranscodeSpec) -
class tator.models.TranscodeSpec(attributes=None, email_spec=None, gid=None, md5=None, media_id=None, name=None, section=None, size=None, type=None, uid=None, url=None)
attributes (object) - Attributes to apply upon upload
email_spec (JobSpecFailureEmailSpec) -
gid (str) - UUID generated for the job group. This value may be associated with messages generated during upload via the Progress endpoint, or it may be newly generated. The transcode workflow will use this value to generate progress messages.
md5 (str) - MD5 sum of the media file.
media_id (int) - ID of an existing media. If given, this media will be used for the transcode operation rather than creating a new object.
name (str) - Name of the file.
section (str) - Media section name to upload to.
size (int) - Size of the file in bytes. This parameter is required if the supplied URL is external (not produced by DownloadInfo and cannot accept HEAD requests.
type (int) - Unique integer identifying a video type.
uid (str) - UUID generated for the individual job. This value may be associated with messages generated during upload via the Progress endpoint, or it may be newly generated. The transcode workflow will use this value to generate progress messages.
url (str) - Upload URL for the raw video.
class tator.models.UploadCompletionSpec(key=None, parts=None, upload_id=None)
key (str) - An object key that can be supplied to the Transcode or Media endpoint after the file has been uploaded.
parts (list[UploadPart]) - List of objects containing part number for each PUT request and ETag header from each response.
upload_id (str) - An upload ID.
class tator.models.UploadInfo(key=None, upload_id=None, urls=None)
key (str) - An object key that can be supplied to the Transcode or Media or File endpoint after the file has been uploaded.
upload_id (str) - An upload ID that can be supplied to the UploadCompletion endpoint after the file has been uploaded. Only contains a value if num_parts > 1.
urls (list[str]) - One or more URLs for upload via one PUT request per URL.
class tator.models.UploadPart(e_tag=None, part_number=None)
e_tag (str) - Content of ETag header returned from PUT request for an upload part. NOTE: key is case-sensitive!
part_number (int) - Part number for the given ETag response header. NOTE: key is case-sensitive!
class tator.models.User(elemental_id=None, email=None, first_name=None, id=None, is_staff=None, last_name=None, profile=None, username=None)
elemental_id (str) - Unique ID for a user across clusters/deployments
email (str) - Email address of user.
first_name (str) - First name of user.
id (int) - Unique integer identifying a user.
is_staff (bool) - Whether this user is a system administrator.
last_name (str) - Last name of user.
profile (object) - User profile information
username (str) - Username of user.
class tator.models.UserSpec(elemental_id=None, email=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, new_avatar=None, password=None, profile=None, registration_token=None, username=None)
elemental_id (str) - Unique ID for a user across clusters/deployments
email (str) - Email address of user.
first_name (str) - First name of user.
last_name (str) - Last name of user.
new_avatar (str) - b64 encoded image to use for the avatar of the user
password (str) - Account password.
profile (object) - User profile information
registration_token (str) - Registration token generated by Invitation object.
username (str) - Username of user.
class tator.models.UserUpdate(clear_avatar=0, clear_profile_keys=None, elemental_id=None, email=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, new_avatar=None, password=None, reset_token=None, set_profile_keys=None)
clear_avatar (int) - Set to >0 to clear the current avatar of the user
clear_profile_keys (list[str]) - Clear the given keys from the profile dictionary
elemental_id (str) - Unique ID for a user across clusters/deployments
email (str) - Email address of user.
first_name (str) - First name of user.
last_name (str) - Last name of user.
new_avatar (str) - b64 encoded image to use for the avatar of the user.This file is verified to meet system constraints: - Less than 1Mb - a mimetype of image/png or image/jpg
password (str) - Account password.
reset_token (str) - Password reset token generated by PasswordReset object.
set_profile_keys (object) - Key/Value Pairs to set atomically
class tator.models.Version(bases=None, created_by=None, description='', elemental_id=None, id=None, name=None, number=None, project=None, show_empty=True)
bases (list[int]) - Array of other version IDs that are dependencies of this version.
created_by (str) - Name of user who created the last unmodified annotation in this version.
description (str) - Description of the version.
elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of an element
id (int) - Unique integer identifying a membership.
name (str) - Name of the version.
number (int) - Version number.
project (int) - Unique integer identifying a project.
show_empty (bool) - Whether to show this version on media for which no annotations exist.
class tator.models.VersionSpec(bases=None, description='', elemental_id=None, name=None, show_empty=True)
bases (list[int]) - Array of other version IDs that are dependencies of this version.
description (str) - Description of the version.
elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of an element
name (str) - Name of the version.
show_empty (bool) - Whether to show this version on media for which no annotations exist.
class tator.models.VersionUpdate(bases=None, description='', elemental_id=None, name=None, show_empty=True)
bases (list[int]) - Array of other version IDs that are dependencies of this version.
description (str) - Description of the version.
elemental_id (str) - Unique ID of an element
name (str) - Name of the version.
show_empty (bool) - Whether to show this version on media for which no annotations exist.
class tator.models.VideoClip(file=None, segment_end_frames=None, segment_start_frames=None)
file (TemporaryFile) -
segment_end_frames (list[int]) - List of end frames of segments that form the clip. Index associated with segment_start_frames.
segment_start_frames (list[int]) - List of start frames of segments that form the clip. Index associated with segment_end_frames.
class tator.models.VideoDefinition(bit_rate=None, codec=None, codec_description=None, codec_mime=None, host=None, http_auth=None, path=None, reference_only=0, resolution=None, segment_info=None, size=None)
bit_rate (int) - Bit rate in bits per second
codec (str) - Human readable codec.
codec_description (str) - Description other than codec.
codec_mime (str) - Example mime: “video/mp4; codecs=”avc1.64001e””. Only relevant for streaming files, will assume example above if not present.
host (str) - If supplied will use this instead of currently connected host, e.g.
http_auth (str) - If specified will be used for HTTP authorization in request for media, i.e. “bearer TOKEN”.
path (str) - Relative URL to the file.
reference_only (int) - Do not import the media resources into Tator. This causes the resources to be accessed at the supplied URL upon access in the UI.
resolution (list[int]) - Resolution of the video in pixels (height, width).
segment_info (str) - Path to json file containing segment info. Required if media role is streaming.
size (int) - File size in bytes.