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Tator Python Client Documentation

REST API wrapper functions (tator.api)


The following parameters are shared by all functions described below:

  • async_req (bool) – execute request asynchronously

  • _preload_content – if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will be returned without reading/decoding response data. Default is True.

  • _request_timeout – timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts. Default is 300.


tator.api.clone_media_list(self, project, clone_media_spec, **kwargs)

Clone media list. This method copies media to a different project without copying the underlying files. It accepts the same query parameters as a Media GET request. All media matching the query will be copied to the project, media type, and section in the given request body. Section is passed as a section name; if the given section does not exist, it will be created. This endpoint will only clone up to 500 media per request. Use the start, stop, or after parameters to paginate a request.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying the source project. (required)
    • clone_media_spec (CloneMediaSpec) – (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of integers identifying media.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying media type.
    • name (str) – Name of the media to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • dtype (str) – Data type of the files, either image or video.
    • md5 (str) – MD5 sum of the media file.
    • gid (str) – Upload group ID of the media file.
    • uid (str) – Upload unique ID of the media file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • after_name (str) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this name. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • archive_lifecycle (str) – Archive lifecycle of the files, one of live (live only), archived (to_archive, archived, or to_live), or all. Defaults to ‘live’
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |


tator.api.complete_upload(self, project, upload_completion_spec, **kwargs)

Complete multipart upload.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • upload_completion_spec (UploadCompletionSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_affiliation(self, organization, affiliation_spec, **kwargs)

Create affiliation. Affiliations specify a permission level of a user to an organization. There are currently two cumulative permission levels. Member can only view an organization and not change any data. Admin can modify an organization, add members to an organization, and create new projects under the organization’s account.

  • Parameters
    • organization (int) – A unique integer identifying an organization. (required)
    • affiliation_spec (AffiliationSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_attribute_type(self, id, attribute_type_spec, **kwargs)

Adds an attribute to Type. A attribute type is the metadata definition object for a user-defined attribute. It includes name, type, and any other associated fields, depending on the type.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a unique entity type. (required)
    • attribute_type_spec (AttributeTypeSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_audio_file(self, id, audio_definition, **kwargs)

Create audio file. Audio files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying audio. One or more audio files can be used to reference the audio role in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the audio file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • audio_definition (AudioDefinition) – (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced.
    • index (int) – Insertion index. Must be less than size of current list of audio files for the specified role. If omitted, the audio file will be appended to the end of the list.


tator.api.create_auxiliary_file(self, id, auxiliary_file_definition, **kwargs)

Create file. Auxiliary files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying generic file. One or more files can be used to reference the attachment role in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • auxiliary_file_definition (AuxiliaryFileDefinition) – (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced.
    • index (int) – Insertion index. Must be less than size of current list of files for the specified role. If omitted, the file will be appended to the end of the list.


tator.api.create_bookmark(self, project, bookmark_spec, **kwargs)

Create bookmark. Bookmarks are saved links that can be used to mark videos/frames of interest. They are scoped to a project and user, so if a user requests Bookmarks for a project they will only receive the Bookmarks created by them.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • bookmark_spec (BookmarkSpec) – (required)
    • name (str) – Name of the bookmark to filter on.


tator.api.create_bucket(self, organization, bucket_spec, **kwargs)

Create bucket. Buckets allow users to specify a project-specific S3 bucket to store media. Buckets are defined at the Organization level. Creating and setting a bucket on a project requires administrative access within the organization. Once a bucket is defined for a project, all media subsequently uploaded to that project will be stored in the bucket. Projects may have media in multiple buckets. For example, if a project is initially created without setting a separate bucket and media is uploaded, then the bucket field is updated and more media is uploaded, that project would then contain some media in the default bucket and some in the newly defined bucket.

  • Parameters
    • organization (int) – A unique integer identifying an organization. (required)
    • bucket_spec (BucketSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_favorite(self, project, favorite_spec, **kwargs)

Create favorite. Favorites are saved annotation values to help speed up annotation. They are scoped to a project and user, so if a user requests Favorites for a project they will only receive the Favorites created by them.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • favorite_spec (FavoriteSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_file(self, project, file_spec, **kwargs)

Create generic, non-media associated File object. Non-media assocaited files can be stored within the project along with user-defined attributes. Unlike temporary files, these are permanent. These do not include applet files and algorithm workflow files.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • file_spec (FileSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_file_type(self, project, file_type_spec, **kwargs)

Create file type. A file type is the metadata definition object for non-media FIle objects. It includes the name, description, and any associated user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • file_type_spec (FileTypeSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_image_file(self, id, role, image_definition, **kwargs)

Create image file. Image files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying image. One or more image files can be used to reference thumbnails, thumbnail GIFs, or images in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the image file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced. (required)
    • image_definition (ImageDefinition) – (required)
    • index (int) – Insertion index. Must be less than size of current list of images for the specified role. If omitted, the image file will be appended to the end of the list.


tator.api.create_invitation(self, organization, invitation_spec, **kwargs)

Create invitation. Invitations allow users with administrative privileges for an organization to invite a user to join their organization using their email address. Upon creation, if automatic emails are configured an email will be sent to the specified email address. If the user has not yet registered, the email will contain a link to register using a registration token. If the user has registered, the email will send a link to accept the invitation. The link is also returned in the response of the create method.

  • Parameters
    • organization (int) – A unique integer identifying an organization. (required)
    • invitation_spec (InvitationSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_job_cluster(self, id, job_cluster_spec, **kwargs)

Create a job cluster. This endpoint replicates the job cluster creation through the admin portal.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an organization. (required)
    • job_cluster_spec (JobClusterSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_job_list(self, project, job_spec, **kwargs)

Launch a registered algorithm. This will create one or more Argo workflows that execute the named algorithm registration. To get a list of available algorithms, use the Algorithms endpoint. A media list will be submitted for processing using either a query string or a list of media IDs. If neither are included, the algorithm will be launched on all media in the project. Media is divided into batches based on the files_per_job field of the Algorithm object. One batch is submitted to each Argo workflow. Submitted algorithm jobs may be cancelled via the Job or JobGroup endpoints.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • job_spec (JobSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_leaf_list(self, project, body, **kwargs)

Create leaf list. Leaves are used to define label hierarchies that can be used for autocompletion of string attribute types. Leaves are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user-defined attributes. This method does a bulk create on a list of tator.models.LeafSpec objects; it also accepts a single instance. A maximum of 500 leaves may be created in one request.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • body (object) – (required)


tator.api.create_leaf_type(self, project, leaf_type_spec, **kwargs)

Create leaf type. A leaf type is the metadata definition object for a leaf. It includes name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • leaf_type_spec (LeafTypeSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_localization_list(self, project, body, **kwargs)

Create localiazation list. Localizations are shape annotations drawn on a video or image. Available shapes (dtype) are box, line, or dot. Each shape is parameterized by a different subset of data members: - box uses x, y, width, height. - line uses x, y, u, v. - dot uses x and y. - poly uses points. Geometry members may be left null when creating a localization, in which case the shapes may be drawn later using the redraw capability in the web UI. Localizations are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes. This method does a bulk create on a list of tator.models.LocalizationSpec objects; it also accepts a single instance. A maximum of 500 localizations may be created in one request.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • body (object) – (required)


tator.api.create_localization_type(self, project, localization_type_spec, **kwargs)

Create localization type. A localization type is the metadata definition object for a localization. It includes shape, name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • localization_type_spec (LocalizationTypeSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_media_list(self, project, body, **kwargs)

Create media list. A media may be an image or a video. Media are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes. This method creates a Media object in the database for each tator.models.MediaSpec in body. body must be a list or single instance of tator.models.mediaspec. For images, the media must already be uploaded and an upload URL must be provided, as well as the group and job IDs associated with the upload. For videos, it is recommended to use the Transcode endpoint, which will create the media object itself. This method is only needed for local transcodes. In that case, it will create an empty Media object; thumbnails, streaming, and archival videos must be subsequently uploaded and saved via the Media PATCH method.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • body (object) – (required)


tator.api.create_media_type(self, project, media_type_spec, **kwargs)

Create media type. A media type is the metadata definition object for media. It includes file format, name, description, and may have any number of user defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_type_spec (MediaTypeSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_membership(self, project, membership_spec, **kwargs)

Create membership. Memberships specify a permission level of a user to a project. There are currently five cumulative permission levels: - View Only can only view a project and not change any data. - Can Edit can create, modify, and delete annotations. - Can Transfer can upload and download media. - Can Execute can launch algorithm workflows. - Full Control can change project settings, including inviting new members, project name, and project metadata schema.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • membership_spec (MembershipSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_obtain_auth_token(self, credentials, **kwargs)

Get API token. This method accepts login credentials and returns an API token that can be used with the Tator REST API, tator-py, or tator-r.


tator.api.create_organization(self, organization_spec, **kwargs)

Create organization. Organizations are used to represent groups of users. Multiple projects may be owned by an organization, and users may be members of multiple organizations.


tator.api.create_password_reset(self, password_reset_spec, **kwargs)

Create password reset. This endpoint will send an email to a registered user with the email address provided. The email will contain a link that will allow the user to reset their password. If the email address is registered for multiple users or no users an exception will be raised and an email will not be sent. If the email fails to be sent, either due to a bad response or system configuration that does not allow sending emails, an exception will be raised.


tator.api.create_project(self, project_spec, **kwargs)

Create project. Projects are the object under which all data in Tator is grouped, including user access, metadata definitions, media, and annotations. Data does not cross boundaries between projects.

  • Parameters
    • project_spec (ProjectSpec) – (required)
    • organization (int) – Unique integer identifying an organization.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for


tator.api.create_section(self, project, section_spec, **kwargs)

Create section. Sections represent groups of media using saved queries. Note: In order for a section to be interpreted properly, the tator_user_sections attribute of the SectionSpec cannot be None. The front end assigns a uuid1 string for this attribute, but it is not required to follow this pattern.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • section_spec (SectionSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_state_list(self, project, body, **kwargs)

Create state list. A state is a description of a collection of other objects. The objects a state describes could be media (image or video), video frames, or localizations. A state referring to a collection of localizations is often referred to as a track. States are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes. This method does a bulk create on a list of tator.models.StateSpec objects; it also accepts a single instance. A maximum of 500 states may be created in one request.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • body (object) – (required)


tator.api.create_state_type(self, project, state_type_spec, **kwargs)

Create state type. A state type is the metadata definition object for a state. It includes association type, name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • state_type_spec (StateTypeSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_temporary_file(self, project, temporary_file_spec, **kwargs)

Create temporary file. Temporary files are files stored server side for a defined duration. The file must first be uploaded via tus, and can subsequently be saved using this endpoint.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • temporary_file_spec (TemporaryFileSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_user(self, user_spec, **kwargs)

Create user. This method accepts a registration token that is provided by creating a Invitation object. It is optional if anonymous registration is enabled, but otherwise required. If anonymous registration is enabled and email confirmation is also enabled, the method will create an inactive user with a confirmation token. The user can be activated by visiting a link that is automatically sent to the user. If anonymous registration without confirmation is enabled, any user can be created with this method.

  • Parameters


tator.api.create_version(self, project, version_spec, **kwargs)

Create version. Versions allow for multiple “layers” of annotations on the same media. Versions are created at the project level, but are only displayed for a given media if that media contains annotations in that version. The version of an annotation can be set by providing it in a POST operation. Currently only localizations and states can have versions.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • version_spec (VersionSpec) – (required)


tator.api.create_video_file(self, id, role, video_definition, **kwargs)

Create video file. Video files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying video. One or more video files can be used to reference streaming or archival roles in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the video file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced. (required)
    • video_definition (VideoDefinition) – (required)
    • index (int) – Insertion index. Must be less than size of current list of videos for the specified role. If omitted, the video file will be appended to the end of the list.


tator.api.delete_affiliation(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete affiliation. Affiliations specify a permission level of a user to an organization. There are currently two cumulative permission levels. Member can only view an organization and not change any data. Admin can modify an organization, add members to an organization, and create new projects under the organization’s account.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a affiliation. (required)


tator.api.delete_algorithm(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete registered algorithm workflow

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a registered algorithm workflow. (required)


tator.api.delete_announcement(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete announcement. Announcements are system-wide messages sent to users. Users may delete individual announcements to acknowledge and stop displaying them.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a announcement. (required)


tator.api.delete_applet(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete registered applet file

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a registered applet file. (required)


tator.api.delete_attribute_type(self, id, attribute_type_delete, **kwargs)

Deletes an existing attribute on Type. A attribute type is the metadata definition object for a user-defined attribute. It includes name, type, and any other associated fields, depending on the type.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a unique entity type. (required)
    • attribute_type_delete (AttributeTypeDelete) – (required)


tator.api.delete_audio_file(self, id, index, **kwargs)

Delete audio file. Audio files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying audio. One or more audio files can be used to reference the audio role in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the audio file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • index (int) – Index of object. Must be less than size of current list of audio files for the specified role. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced.


tator.api.delete_auxiliary_file(self, id, index, **kwargs)

Delete auxiliary file. Auxiliary files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying generic file. One or more files can be used to reference the attachment role in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • index (int) – Index of object. Must be less than size of current list of files for the specified role. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced.


tator.api.delete_bookmark(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete bookmark. Bookmarks are saved links that can be used to mark videos/frames of interest. They are scoped to a project and user, so if a user requests Bookmarks for a project they will only receive the Bookmarks created by them.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a bookmark. (required)


tator.api.delete_bucket(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete bucket. Buckets allow users to specify a project-specific S3 bucket to store media. Buckets are defined at the Organization level. Creating and setting a bucket on a project requires administrative access within the organization. Once a bucket is defined for a project, all media subsequently uploaded to that project will be stored in the bucket. Projects may have media in multiple buckets. For example, if a project is initially created without setting a separate bucket and media is uploaded, then the bucket field is updated and more media is uploaded, that project would then contain some media in the default bucket and some in the newly defined bucket.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a bucket. (required)


tator.api.delete_favorite(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete favorite. Favorites are saved annotation values to help speed up annotation. They are scoped to a project and user, so if a user requests Favorites for a project they will only receive the Favorites created by them.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a favorite. (required)


tator.api.delete_file(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete registered non-media File object

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a registered File object. (required)


tator.api.delete_file_type(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete file type. A file type is the metadata definition object for non-media FIle objects. It includes the name, description, and any associated user defined attributes. Note that this will also delete any files associated with the file type.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an file type. (required)


tator.api.delete_image_file(self, id, role, index, **kwargs)

Delete image file. Image files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying image. One or more image files can be used to reference thumbnails, thumbnail GIFs, or images in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the image file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced. (required)
    • index (int) – Index of object. Must be less than size of current list of images for the specified role. (required)


tator.api.delete_invitation(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete invitation. Invitations allow users with administrative privileges for an organization to invite a user to join their organization using their email address. Upon creation, if automatic emails are configured an email will be sent to the specified email address. If the user has not yet registered, the email will contain a link to register using a registration token. If the user has registered, the email will send a link to accept the invitation. The link is also returned in the response of the create method.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a invitation. (required)


tator.api.delete_job(self, uid, **kwargs)

Delete background job. Algorithms create argo workflows that are annotated with two uuid1 strings, one identifying the run and the other identifying the group. Jobs that are submitted together have the same group id, but each workflow has a unique run id. This method allows the user to cancel a job using the uid returned by Job create method.

  • Parameters
    • uid (str) – A uuid1 string identifying to single Job. (required)


tator.api.delete_job_cluster(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete registered job cluster

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a registered job cluster. (required)


tator.api.delete_job_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Delete background job list. Algorithms create argo workflows that are annotated with two uuid1 strings, one identifying the run and the other identifying the group. Jobs that are submitted together have the same group id, but each workflow has a unique run id. This method allows the user to batch delete a list of jobs.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • gid (str) – A UUID string identifying a group of jobs.


tator.api.delete_leaf(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete leaf. Leaves are used to define label hierarchies that can be used for autocompletion of string attribute types. Leaves are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user-defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a leaf. (required)


tator.api.delete_leaf_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Delete leaf list. Leaves are used to define label hierarchies that can be used for autocompletion of string attribute types. Leaves are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user-defined attributes. This method performs a bulk delete on all leaves matching a query. It is recommended to use a GET request first to check what is being deleted.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a leaf type.
    • name (str) – Name of the leaf element.
    • depth (int) – Get a specific tree depth. Root node depth is 0.
    • leaf_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of leaf IDs.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • leaf_id_query (LeafIdQuery) –


tator.api.delete_leaf_type(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete leaf type. A leaf type is the metadata definition object for a leaf. It includes name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an leaf type. (required)


tator.api.delete_localization(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete localization. Localizations are shape annotations drawn on a video or image. Available shapes (dtype) are box, line, or dot. Each shape is parameterized by a different subset of data members: - box uses x, y, width, height. - line uses x, y, u, v. - dot uses x and y. - poly uses points. Geometry members may be left null when creating a localization, in which case the shapes may be drawn later using the redraw capability in the web UI. Localizations are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a localization. (required)
    • localization_delete (LocalizationDelete) –


tator.api.delete_localization_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Delete localiazation list. Localizations are shape annotations drawn on a video or image. Available shapes (dtype) are box, line, or dot. Each shape is parameterized by a different subset of data members: - box uses x, y, width, height. - line uses x, y, u, v. - dot uses x and y. - poly uses points. Geometry members may be left null when creating a localization, in which case the shapes may be drawn later using the redraw capability in the web UI. Localizations are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes. This method performs a bulk delete on all localizations matching a query. It is recommended to use a GET request first to check what is being deleted.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of media IDs.
    • related_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of related IDs. If querying States, one can supply a list of related localization ids to filter on.If querying Localizations, one can supply a list of related state ids to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a annotation type.
    • version (list[int**]) – List of integers representing versions to fetch
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the localization with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • merge (int) – Reduce result set based on a server side merge. If multiple versions are selected and a variant of the object exists in both versions, the merge logic will return 1 or 0 objects. Example: Version B derives off Version A. An object, with the same elemental id “foo” exists on both. If Version B over A is selected and merge is turned on: + The “foo” present on Version B is returned + If the “foo” on version B is deleted, no “foo” is returned.
    • show_deleted (int) – Include in the return set objects that have variant_deleted set to True.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • frame (int) – Frame number of this localization if it is in a video.
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects
    • localization_bulk_delete (LocalizationBulkDelete) –


tator.api.delete_localization_type(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete localization type. A localization type is the metadata definition object for a localization. It includes shape, name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it. Note that this will also delete any localizations associated with the localization type.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a localization type. (required)


tator.api.delete_media(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete media. A media may be an image or a video. Media are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media. (required)


tator.api.delete_media_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Delete media list. A media may be an image or a video. Media are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes. This method performs a bulk delete on all media matching a query. It is recommended to use a GET request first to check what is being deleted.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of integers identifying media.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying media type.
    • name (str) – Name of the media to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • dtype (str) – Data type of the files, either image or video.
    • md5 (str) – MD5 sum of the media file.
    • gid (str) – Upload group ID of the media file.
    • uid (str) – Upload unique ID of the media file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • after_name (str) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this name. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • archive_lifecycle (str) – Archive lifecycle of the files, one of live (live only), archived (to_archive, archived, or to_live), or all. Defaults to ‘live’
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects
    • media_id_query (MediaIdQuery) –


tator.api.delete_media_type(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete media type. A media type is the metadata definition object for media. It includes file format, name, description, and may have any number of user defined attribute types associated with it. Note that this will also delete any media associated with the media type.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an media type. (required)


tator.api.delete_membership(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete membership. Memberships specify a permission level of a user to a project. There are currently five cumulative permission levels: - View Only can only view a project and not change any data. - Can Edit can create, modify, and delete annotations. - Can Transfer can upload and download media. - Can Execute can launch algorithm workflows. - Full Control can change project settings, including inviting new members, project name, and project metadata schema.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a membership. (required)


tator.api.delete_organization(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete organization. Organizations are used to represent groups of users. Multiple projects may be owned by an organization, and users may be members of multiple organizations. Only organization owners may delete an organization.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an organization. (required)


tator.api.delete_project(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete project. Projects are the object under which all data in Tator is grouped, including user access, metadata definitions, media, and annotations. Data does not cross boundaries between projects. Only project owners may delete a project. Note that deleting a project will also delete all media and annotations within a project.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)


tator.api.delete_section(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete section. Sections represent groups of media using saved queries.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a section. (required)


tator.api.delete_state(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete state. A state is a description of a collection of other objects. The objects a state describes could be media (image or video), video frames, or localizations. A state referring to a collection of localizations is often referred to as a track. States are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a state. (required)
    • state_delete (StateDelete) –


tator.api.delete_state_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Delete state list. A state is a description of a collection of other objects. The objects a state describes could be media (image or video), video frames, or localizations. A state referring to a collection of localizations is often referred to as a track. States are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes. This method performs a bulk delete on all states matching a query. It is recommended to use a GET request first to check what is being deleted.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of media IDs.
    • related_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of related IDs. If querying States, one can supply a list of related localization ids to filter on.If querying Localizations, one can supply a list of related state ids to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a annotation type.
    • version (list[int**]) – List of integers representing versions to fetch
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the localization with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • merge (int) – Reduce result set based on a server side merge. If multiple versions are selected and a variant of the object exists in both versions, the merge logic will return 1 or 0 objects. Example: Version B derives off Version A. An object, with the same elemental id “foo” exists on both. If Version B over A is selected and merge is turned on: + The “foo” present on Version B is returned + If the “foo” on version B is deleted, no “foo” is returned.
    • show_deleted (int) – Include in the return set objects that have variant_deleted set to True.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects
    • state_bulk_delete (StateBulkDelete) –


tator.api.delete_state_type(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete state type. A state type is the metadata definition object for a state. It includes association type, name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it. Note that this will also delete any states associated with the state type.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a state type. (required)


tator.api.delete_temporary_file(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete temporary file. Temporary files are files stored server side for a defined duration.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a temporary file. (required)


tator.api.delete_temporary_file_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Delete temporary file list. Temporary files are files stored server side for a defined duration.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • expired (int) – If greater than 0 will return only expired files


tator.api.delete_transcode(self, uid, **kwargs)

Delete transcode job. This method allows the user to cancel a transcode using the uid returned by Transcode create method.

  • Parameters
    • uid (str) – A uuid1 string identifying to single Job. (required)


tator.api.delete_transcode_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Delete transcode list. This method performs a bulk delete on all transcodes matching a query. It is recommended to use a GET request first to check what is being deleted.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of integers identifying media.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying media type.
    • name (str) – Name of the media to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • dtype (str) – Data type of the files, either image or video.
    • md5 (str) – MD5 sum of the media file.
    • gid (str) – Upload group ID of the media file.
    • uid (str) – Upload unique ID of the media file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • after_name (str) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this name. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • archive_lifecycle (str) – Archive lifecycle of the files, one of live (live only), archived (to_archive, archived, or to_live), or all. Defaults to ‘live’
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects
    • media_id_query (MediaIdQuery) –


tator.api.delete_version(self, id, **kwargs)

Delete version. Versions allow for multiple “layers” of annotations on the same media. Versions are created at the project level, but are only displayed for a given media if that media contains annotations in that version. The version of an annotation can be set by providing it in a POST operation. Currently only localizations and states can have versions. Note that this will also delete any localizations or states associated with the deleted version.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a version. (required)


tator.api.delete_video_file(self, id, role, index, **kwargs)

Delete video file. Video files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying video. One or more video files can be used to reference streaming or archival roles in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the video file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced. (required)
    • index (int) – Index of object. Must be less than size of current list of videos for the specified role. (required)


tator.api.get_affiliation(self, id, **kwargs)

Get affiliation. Affiliations specify a permission level of a user to an organization. There are currently two cumulative permission levels. Member can only view an organization and not change any data. Admin can modify an organization, add members to an organization, and create new projects under the organization’s account.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a affiliation. (required)


tator.api.get_affiliation_list(self, organization, **kwargs)

Get affiliation list. Affiliations specify a permission level of a user to an organization. There are currently two cumulative permission levels. Member can only view an organization and not change any data. Admin can modify an organization, add members to an organization, and create new projects under the organization’s account.

  • Parameters
    • organization (int) – A unique integer identifying an organization. (required)


tator.api.get_algorithm(self, id, **kwargs)

Get registered algorithm workflow

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a registered algorithm workflow. (required)


tator.api.get_algorithm_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get registered algorithms.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)


tator.api.get_announcement_list(self, **kwargs)

Get announcement list. Announcements are system-wide messages sent to users. Users may delete individual announcements to acknowledge and stop displaying them.

  • Parameters


tator.api.get_applet(self, id, **kwargs)

Get registered applet file

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a registered applet file. (required)


tator.api.get_applet_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get applet list. Applets are customized interfaces (i.e. html files) displayed within the Tator projects.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)


tator.api.get_audio_file(self, id, index, **kwargs)

Get audio file. Audio files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying audio. One or more audio files can be used to reference the audio role in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the audio file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • index (int) – Index of object. Must be less than size of current list of audio files for the specified role. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced.


tator.api.get_audio_file_list(self, id, **kwargs)

Get audio file list. Audio files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying audio. One or more audio files can be used to reference the audio role in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the audio file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced.


tator.api.get_auxiliary_file(self, id, index, **kwargs)

Get auxiliary file. Auxiliary files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying generic file. One or more files can be used to reference the attachment role in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • index (int) – Index of object. Must be less than size of current list of files for the specified role. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced.


tator.api.get_auxiliary_file_list(self, id, **kwargs)

Get file list. Auxiliary files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying generic file. One or more files can be used to reference the attachment role in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced.


tator.api.get_bookmark(self, id, **kwargs)

Get bookmark. Bookmarks are saved links that can be used to mark videos/frames of interest. They are scoped to a project and user, so if a user requests Bookmarks for a project they will only receive the Bookmarks created by them.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a bookmark. (required)


tator.api.get_bookmark_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get bookmark list. Bookmarks are saved links that can be used to mark videos/frames of interest. They are scoped to a project and user, so if a user requests Bookmarks for a project they will only receive the Bookmarks created by them.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • name (str) – Name of the bookmark to filter on.


tator.api.get_bucket(self, id, **kwargs)

Get bucket. Buckets allow users to specify a project-specific S3 bucket to store media. Buckets are defined at the Organization level. Creating and setting a bucket on a project requires administrative access within the organization. Once a bucket is defined for a project, all media subsequently uploaded to that project will be stored in the bucket. Projects may have media in multiple buckets. For example, if a project is initially created without setting a separate bucket and media is uploaded, then the bucket field is updated and more media is uploaded, that project would then contain some media in the default bucket and some in the newly defined bucket.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a bucket. (required)


tator.api.get_bucket_list(self, organization, **kwargs)

Get bucket list. Buckets allow users to specify a project-specific S3 bucket to store media. Buckets are defined at the Organization level. Creating and setting a bucket on a project requires administrative access within the organization. Once a bucket is defined for a project, all media subsequently uploaded to that project will be stored in the bucket. Projects may have media in multiple buckets. For example, if a project is initially created without setting a separate bucket and media is uploaded, then the bucket field is updated and more media is uploaded, that project would then contain some media in the default bucket and some in the newly defined bucket.

  • Parameters
    • organization (int) – A unique integer identifying an organization. (required)


tator.api.get_change_log_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get a list of change logs. A ChangeLog is the object containing information about a change applied to an object. It includes the time, user, and description of the change.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • user_id (int) – Filters ChangeLogs for the given user.
    • entity_id (int) – Filters ChangeLogs for the given entity.
    • entity_type (str) – Filters ChangeLogs for the given entity type.


tator.api.get_clip(self, id, frame_ranges, **kwargs)

Get video clip. Facility to get a clip from the server. Returns a temporary file object that expires in 24 hours.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • frame_ranges (list[str**]) – Comma-seperated list of frame ranges to capture. (required)
    • quality (int) – Source resolution to use (default to highest quality)
    • reencode (int) – Re-encode to a h264 codec (assumes veryfast) profile (>0 = true, 0 == false)


tator.api.get_cloned_media(self, id, **kwargs)

Get cloned media. This method finds and returns the list of media ids that are clones of the given id.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)


tator.api.get_download_info(self, project, download_info_spec, **kwargs)

Retrieve URL for one or more file downloads from a given project.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • download_info_spec (DownloadInfoSpec) – (required)
    • expiration (int) – Number of seconds until URL expires and becomes invalid.


tator.api.get_favorite(self, id, **kwargs)

Get favorite. Favorites are saved annotation values to help speed up annotation. They are scoped to a project and user, so if a user requests Favorites for a project they will only receive the Favorites created by them.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a favorite. (required)


tator.api.get_favorite_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get favorite list. Favorites are saved annotation values to help speed up annotation. They are scoped to a project and user, so if a user requests Favorites for a project they will only receive the Favorites created by them.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)


tator.api.get_file(self, id, **kwargs)

Get registered non-media File object

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a registered File object. (required)


tator.api.get_file_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get non-media associated File object list. Non-media assocaited files can be stored within the project along with user-defined attributes. Unlike temporary files, these are permanent. These do not include applet files and algorithm workflow files.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a FileType.
    • name (str) – Name of the file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the File object with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |


tator.api.get_file_type(self, id, **kwargs)

Get file type. A file type is the metadata definition object for non-media FIle objects. It includes the name, description, and any associated user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an file type. (required)


tator.api.get_file_type_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get file type list. A file type is the metadata definition object for non-media FIle objects. It includes the name, description, and any associated user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for


tator.api.get_frame(self, id, **kwargs)

Get frame(s) from a video. Facility to get a frame(jpg/png) of a given video frame, returns a square tile of frames based on the input parameter.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • frames (list[int**]) – Comma-seperated list of frames to capture.
    • tile (str) – wxh, if not supplied is made as squarish as possible.
    • roi (str) – w:h:x:y, optionally crop each frame to a given roi in relative coordinates.
    • force_scale (str) – Size of each frame image to return in format wxh. This forces scaling the image. Applied after ROI crop if any.Default is the size of the frame for highest streaming resolution. Example: 1024x768
    • animate (int) – If not tiling, animate each frame at a given fps in a gif.
    • quality (int) – Source resolution to use (default to highest quality)


tator.api.get_image_file(self, id, role, index, **kwargs)

Get image file. Image files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying image. One or more image files can be used to reference thumbnails, thumbnail GIFs, or images in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the image file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced. (required)
    • index (int) – Index of object. Must be less than size of current list of images for the specified role. (required)


tator.api.get_image_file_list(self, id, role, **kwargs)

Get image file list. Image files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying image. One or more image files can be used to reference thumbnails, thumbnail GIFs, or images in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the image file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced. (required)


tator.api.get_invitation(self, id, **kwargs)

Get invitation. Invitations allow users with administrative privileges for an organization to invite a user to join their organization using their email address. Upon creation, if automatic emails are configured an email will be sent to the specified email address. If the user has not yet registered, the email will contain a link to register using a registration token. If the user has registered, the email will send a link to accept the invitation. The link is also returned in the response of the create method.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a invitation. (required)


tator.api.get_invitation_list(self, organization, **kwargs)

Get invitation list. Invitations allow users with administrative privileges for an organization to invite a user to join their organization using their email address. Upon creation, if automatic emails are configured an email will be sent to the specified email address. If the user has not yet registered, the email will contain a link to register using a registration token. If the user has registered, the email will send a link to accept the invitation. The link is also returned in the response of the create method.

  • Parameters
    • organization (int) – A unique integer identifying an organization. (required)


tator.api.get_job(self, uid, **kwargs)

Get background job. Algorithms create argo workflows that are annotated with two uuid1 strings, one identifying the run and the other identifying the group. Jobs that are submitted together have the same group id, but each workflow has a unique run id. This method allows the user to get a job’s status using the uid returned by Job create method.

  • Parameters
    • uid (str) – A uuid1 string identifying to single Job. (required)


tator.api.get_job_cluster(self, id, **kwargs)

Get registered job cluster

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a registered job cluster. (required)


tator.api.get_job_cluster_list(self, id, **kwargs)

Get job clusters.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an organization. (required)


tator.api.get_job_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get background job list. Algorithms create argo workflows that are annotated with two uuid1 strings, one identifying the run and the other identifying the group. Jobs that are submitted together have the same group id, but each workflow has a unique run id. This method allows the user to status for a list of jobs in a project.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • gid (str) – A UUID string identifying a group of jobs.


tator.api.get_leaf(self, id, **kwargs)

Get leaf. Leaves are used to define label hierarchies that can be used for autocompletion of string attribute types. Leaves are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user-defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a leaf. (required)


tator.api.get_leaf_count(self, project, **kwargs)

Get leaf list count. This endpoint accepts the same query parameters as a GET or PUT request to the Leaves endpoint, but only returns the number of leaves.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a leaf type.
    • name (str) – Name of the leaf element.
    • depth (int) – Get a specific tree depth. Root node depth is 0.
    • leaf_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of leaf IDs.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |


tator.api.get_leaf_count_by_id(self, project, leaf_id_query, **kwargs)

Get leaf list count by ID. This endpoint accepts the same query parameters as a GET or PUT request to the Leaves endpoint, but only returns the number of leaves.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • leaf_id_query (LeafIdQuery) – (required)
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a leaf type.
    • name (str) – Name of the leaf element.
    • depth (int) – Get a specific tree depth. Root node depth is 0.
    • leaf_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of leaf IDs.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |


tator.api.get_leaf_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get leaf list. Leaves are used to define label hierarchies that can be used for autocompletion of string attribute types. Leaves are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user-defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a leaf type.
    • name (str) – Name of the leaf element.
    • depth (int) – Get a specific tree depth. Root node depth is 0.
    • leaf_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of leaf IDs.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |


tator.api.get_leaf_list_by_id(self, project, leaf_id_query, **kwargs)

Get leaf list by ID. Leaves are used to define label hierarchies that can be used for autocompletion of string attribute types. Leaves are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user-defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • leaf_id_query (LeafIdQuery) – (required)
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a leaf type.
    • name (str) – Name of the leaf element.
    • depth (int) – Get a specific tree depth. Root node depth is 0.
    • leaf_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of leaf IDs.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |


tator.api.get_leaf_type(self, id, **kwargs)

Get leaf type. A leaf type is the metadata definition object for a leaf. It includes name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an leaf type. (required)


tator.api.get_leaf_type_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get leaf type list. A leaf type is the metadata definition object for a leaf. It includes name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for


tator.api.get_localization(self, id, **kwargs)

Get localization. Localizations are shape annotations drawn on a video or image. Available shapes (dtype) are box, line, or dot. Each shape is parameterized by a different subset of data members: - box uses x, y, width, height. - line uses x, y, u, v. - dot uses x and y. - poly uses points. Geometry members may be left null when creating a localization, in which case the shapes may be drawn later using the redraw capability in the web UI. Localizations are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a localization. (required)


tator.api.get_localization_count(self, project, **kwargs)

Get localization list count. This endpoint accepts the same query parameters as a GET or PUT request to the Localizations endpoint, but only returns the number of localizations.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of media IDs.
    • related_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of related IDs. If querying States, one can supply a list of related localization ids to filter on.If querying Localizations, one can supply a list of related state ids to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a annotation type.
    • version (list[int**]) – List of integers representing versions to fetch
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the localization with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • merge (int) – Reduce result set based on a server side merge. If multiple versions are selected and a variant of the object exists in both versions, the merge logic will return 1 or 0 objects. Example: Version B derives off Version A. An object, with the same elemental id “foo” exists on both. If Version B over A is selected and merge is turned on: + The “foo” present on Version B is returned + If the “foo” on version B is deleted, no “foo” is returned.
    • show_deleted (int) – Include in the return set objects that have variant_deleted set to True.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • frame (int) – Frame number of this localization if it is in a video.
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_localization_count_by_id(self, project, localization_id_query, **kwargs)

Get localization list count by ID. This endpoint accepts the same query parameters as a GET or PUT request to the Localizations endpoint, but only returns the number of localizations.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • localization_id_query (LocalizationIdQuery) – (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of media IDs.
    • related_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of related IDs. If querying States, one can supply a list of related localization ids to filter on.If querying Localizations, one can supply a list of related state ids to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a annotation type.
    • version (list[int**]) – List of integers representing versions to fetch
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the localization with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • merge (int) – Reduce result set based on a server side merge. If multiple versions are selected and a variant of the object exists in both versions, the merge logic will return 1 or 0 objects. Example: Version B derives off Version A. An object, with the same elemental id “foo” exists on both. If Version B over A is selected and merge is turned on: + The “foo” present on Version B is returned + If the “foo” on version B is deleted, no “foo” is returned.
    • show_deleted (int) – Include in the return set objects that have variant_deleted set to True.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • frame (int) – Frame number of this localization if it is in a video.
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_localization_graphic(self, id, **kwargs)

Get localization graphic from a media object.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a localization. (required)
    • force_scale (str) – Size of final image to return. This forces scaling the image. Default is the localization size and margins define the image size. Example: 100x100
    • use_default_margins (bool) – Use default margins for localization types. Default margins (x,y pixels) - dot: (10,10) line: (10,10) box: (0,0)
    • margin_x (int) – Pixel margin to apply to the height of the localization when generating the image. Valid only if use_default_margins is false.
    • margin_y (int) – Pixel margin to apply to the width of the localization when generating the image. Valid only if use_default_margins is false.


tator.api.get_localization_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get localization list. Localizations are shape annotations drawn on a video or image. Available shapes (dtype) are box, line, or dot. Each shape is parameterized by a different subset of data members: - box uses x, y, width, height. - line uses x, y, u, v. - dot uses x and y. - poly uses points. Geometry members may be left null when creating a localization, in which case the shapes may be drawn later using the redraw capability in the web UI. Localizations are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of media IDs.
    • related_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of related IDs. If querying States, one can supply a list of related localization ids to filter on.If querying Localizations, one can supply a list of related state ids to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a annotation type.
    • version (list[int**]) – List of integers representing versions to fetch
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the localization with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • merge (int) – Reduce result set based on a server side merge. If multiple versions are selected and a variant of the object exists in both versions, the merge logic will return 1 or 0 objects. Example: Version B derives off Version A. An object, with the same elemental id “foo” exists on both. If Version B over A is selected and merge is turned on: + The “foo” present on Version B is returned + If the “foo” on version B is deleted, no “foo” is returned.
    • show_deleted (int) – Include in the return set objects that have variant_deleted set to True.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • frame (int) – Frame number of this localization if it is in a video.
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_localization_list_by_id(self, project, localization_id_query, **kwargs)

Get localization list by ID. Localizations are shape annotations drawn on a video or image. Available shapes (dtype) are box, line, or dot. Each shape is parameterized by a different subset of data members: - box uses x, y, width, height. - line uses x, y, u, v. - dot uses x and y. - poly uses points. Geometry members may be left null when creating a localization, in which case the shapes may be drawn later using the redraw capability in the web UI. Localizations are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • localization_id_query (LocalizationIdQuery) – (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of media IDs.
    • related_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of related IDs. If querying States, one can supply a list of related localization ids to filter on.If querying Localizations, one can supply a list of related state ids to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a annotation type.
    • version (list[int**]) – List of integers representing versions to fetch
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the localization with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • merge (int) – Reduce result set based on a server side merge. If multiple versions are selected and a variant of the object exists in both versions, the merge logic will return 1 or 0 objects. Example: Version B derives off Version A. An object, with the same elemental id “foo” exists on both. If Version B over A is selected and merge is turned on: + The “foo” present on Version B is returned + If the “foo” on version B is deleted, no “foo” is returned.
    • show_deleted (int) – Include in the return set objects that have variant_deleted set to True.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • frame (int) – Frame number of this localization if it is in a video.
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_localization_type(self, id, **kwargs)

Get localization type. A localization type is the metadata definition object for a localization. It includes shape, name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a localization type. (required)


tator.api.get_localization_type_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get localization type list. A localization type is the metadata definition object for a localization. It includes shape, name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of unique integers identifying a media.
    • type (int) – Deprecated. Use LocalizationType endpoint to retrieve individual localization type by ID.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for


tator.api.get_media(self, id, **kwargs)

Get media. A media may be an image or a video. Media are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media. (required)
    • presigned (int) – If given, all path fields in media_files will be replaced with presigned URLs that can be downloaded without authentication. The value is the expiration time of the URLs in seconds.
    • no_cache (bool) – If True, and presigned is specified, a new presigned url will be generated.


tator.api.get_media_count(self, project, **kwargs)

Get media list count. This endpoint accepts the same query parameters as a GET or PUT request to the Medias endpoint, but only returns the number of media.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of integers identifying media.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying media type.
    • name (str) – Name of the media to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • dtype (str) – Data type of the files, either image or video.
    • md5 (str) – MD5 sum of the media file.
    • gid (str) – Upload group ID of the media file.
    • uid (str) – Upload unique ID of the media file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • after_name (str) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this name. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • archive_lifecycle (str) – Archive lifecycle of the files, one of live (live only), archived (to_archive, archived, or to_live), or all. Defaults to ‘live’
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_media_count_by_id(self, project, media_id_query, **kwargs)

Get media list count by ID. This endpoint accepts the same query parameters as a GET or PUT request to the Medias endpoint, but only returns the number of media.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id_query (MediaIdQuery) – (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of integers identifying media.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying media type.
    • name (str) – Name of the media to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • dtype (str) – Data type of the files, either image or video.
    • md5 (str) – MD5 sum of the media file.
    • gid (str) – Upload group ID of the media file.
    • uid (str) – Upload unique ID of the media file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • after_name (str) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this name. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • archive_lifecycle (str) – Archive lifecycle of the files, one of live (live only), archived (to_archive, archived, or to_live), or all. Defaults to ‘live’
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_media_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get media list. A media may be an image or a video. Media are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of integers identifying media.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying media type.
    • name (str) – Name of the media to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • dtype (str) – Data type of the files, either image or video.
    • md5 (str) – MD5 sum of the media file.
    • gid (str) – Upload group ID of the media file.
    • uid (str) – Upload unique ID of the media file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • after_name (str) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this name. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • archive_lifecycle (str) – Archive lifecycle of the files, one of live (live only), archived (to_archive, archived, or to_live), or all. Defaults to ‘live’
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects
    • presigned (int) – If given, all path fields in media_files will be replaced with presigned URLs that can be downloaded without authentication. The value is the expiration time of the URLs in seconds.
    • no_cache (bool) – If True, and presigned is specified, a new presigned url will be generated.


tator.api.get_media_list_by_id(self, project, media_id_query, **kwargs)

Get media list by ID. A media may be an image or a video. Media are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id_query (MediaIdQuery) – (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of integers identifying media.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying media type.
    • name (str) – Name of the media to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • dtype (str) – Data type of the files, either image or video.
    • md5 (str) – MD5 sum of the media file.
    • gid (str) – Upload group ID of the media file.
    • uid (str) – Upload unique ID of the media file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • after_name (str) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this name. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • archive_lifecycle (str) – Archive lifecycle of the files, one of live (live only), archived (to_archive, archived, or to_live), or all. Defaults to ‘live’
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects
    • presigned (int) – If given, all path fields in media_files will be replaced with presigned URLs that can be downloaded without authentication. The value is the expiration time of the URLs in seconds.
    • no_cache (bool) – If True, and presigned is specified, a new presigned url will be generated.


tator.api.get_media_next(self, id, **kwargs)

Retrieve ID of next media in a media list. This endpoint accepts the same query parameters as a GET request to the Medias endpoint, but only returns the next media ID from the media passed as a path parameter. This allows iteration through a media list without serializing the entire list, which may be large.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of integers identifying media.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying media type.
    • name (str) – Name of the media to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • dtype (str) – Data type of the files, either image or video.
    • md5 (str) – MD5 sum of the media file.
    • gid (str) – Upload group ID of the media file.
    • uid (str) – Upload unique ID of the media file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • after_name (str) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this name. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • archive_lifecycle (str) – Archive lifecycle of the files, one of live (live only), archived (to_archive, archived, or to_live), or all. Defaults to ‘live’
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_media_prev(self, id, **kwargs)

Retrieve ID of previous media in a media list. This endpoint accepts the same query parameters as a GET request to the Medias endpoint, but only returns the previous media ID from the media passed as a path parameter. This allows iteration through a media list without serializing the entire list, which may be large.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of integers identifying media.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying media type.
    • name (str) – Name of the media to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • dtype (str) – Data type of the files, either image or video.
    • md5 (str) – MD5 sum of the media file.
    • gid (str) – Upload group ID of the media file.
    • uid (str) – Upload unique ID of the media file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • after_name (str) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this name. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • archive_lifecycle (str) – Archive lifecycle of the files, one of live (live only), archived (to_archive, archived, or to_live), or all. Defaults to ‘live’
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_media_stats(self, project, **kwargs)

Retrieve count, download size, total size, and duration of a media list. This endpoint accepts the same query parameters as a GET request to the Medias endpoint, but only returns statistics about the media.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of integers identifying media.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying media type.
    • name (str) – Name of the media to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • dtype (str) – Data type of the files, either image or video.
    • md5 (str) – MD5 sum of the media file.
    • gid (str) – Upload group ID of the media file.
    • uid (str) – Upload unique ID of the media file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • after_name (str) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this name. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • archive_lifecycle (str) – Archive lifecycle of the files, one of live (live only), archived (to_archive, archived, or to_live), or all. Defaults to ‘live’
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_media_type(self, id, **kwargs)

Get media type. A media type is the metadata definition object for media. It includes file format, name, description, and may have any number of user defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an media type. (required)


tator.api.get_media_type_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get media type list. A media type is the metadata definition object for media. It includes file format, name, description, and may have any number of user defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for


tator.api.get_membership(self, id, **kwargs)

Get membership. Memberships specify a permission level of a user to a project. There are currently five cumulative permission levels: - View Only can only view a project and not change any data. - Can Edit can create, modify, and delete annotations. - Can Transfer can upload and download media. - Can Execute can launch algorithm workflows. - Full Control can change project settings, including inviting new members, project name, and project metadata schema.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a membership. (required)


tator.api.get_membership_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get membership list. Memberships specify a permission level of a user to a project. There are currently five cumulative permission levels: - View Only can only view a project and not change any data. - Can Edit can create, modify, and delete annotations. - Can Transfer can upload and download media. - Can Execute can launch algorithm workflows. - Full Control can change project settings, including inviting new members, project name, and project metadata schema.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)


tator.api.get_organization(self, id, **kwargs)

Get organization. Organizations are used to represent groups of users. Multiple projects may be owned by an organization, and users may be members of multiple organizations.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an organization. (required)


tator.api.get_organization_list(self, **kwargs)

Get organization list. Organizations are used to represent groups of users. Multiple projects may be owned by an organization, and users may be members of multiple organizations. Returns all organizations that a user is affiliated with.

  • Parameters


tator.api.get_organization_upload_info(self, organization, **kwargs)

Retrieve URL for file upload to a given organization.

  • Parameters
    • organization (int) – A unique integer identifying an organization. (required)
    • expiration (int) – Number of seconds until URL expires and becomes invalid.
    • num_parts (int) – Number of upload parts. Maximum part size is 5GB.

tator.api.get_permalink(self, id, **kwargs)

Get permalink A Permalink allows persistant access to an underlying media resource via a persistent URL.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media. (required)
    • element (str) – Object to redirect to via 301.
    • quality (int) – Find the object with the closest quality (ignored for audio)


tator.api.get_project(self, id, **kwargs)

Get project. Projects are the object under which all data in Tator is grouped, including user access, metadata definitions, media, and annotations. Data does not cross boundaries between projects.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)


tator.api.get_project_list(self, **kwargs)

Get project list. Projects are the object under which all data in Tator is grouped, including user access, metadata definitions, media, and annotations. Data does not cross boundaries between projects. Returns all projects that a user has access to.

  • Parameters
    • organization (int) – Unique integer identifying an organization.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for


tator.api.get_section(self, id, **kwargs)

Get section. Sections represent groups of media using saved queries.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a section. (required)


tator.api.get_section_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get section list. Sections represent groups of media using saved queries.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • name (str) – Name of the section.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • match (str) – Find any sections matching using an lquery. - foo Match the exact label path foo - .foo. Match any label path containing the label foo - .foo Match any label path whose last label is foo Modifiers: - @ Match case-insensitively, for example a@ matches A - * Match any label with this prefix, for example foo matches foobar - % Match initial underscore-separated words American@.Foot@* would match both america.Football and America.footwear For more information:
    • ancestors (str) – Find ancestors using using an lquery. - foo Match the exact label path foo - .foo. Match any label path containing the label foo - .foo Match any label path whose last label is foo Modifiers: - @ Match case-insensitively, for example a@ matches A - * Match any label with this prefix, for example foo matches foobar - % Match initial underscore-separated words American@.Foot@* would match both america.Football and America.footwear For more information:
    • descendants (str) – Find descendants using using an lquery. - foo Match the exact label path foo - .foo. Match any label path containing the label foo - .foo Match any label path whose last label is foo Modifiers: - @ Match case-insensitively, for example a@ matches A - * Match any label with this prefix, for example foo matches foobar - % Match initial underscore-separated words American@.Foot@* would match both america.Football and America.footwear For more information:


tator.api.get_state(self, id, **kwargs)

Get state. A state is a description of a collection of other objects. The objects a state describes could be media (image or video), video frames, or localizations. A state referring to a collection of localizations is often referred to as a track. States are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a state. (required)


tator.api.get_state_count(self, project, **kwargs)

Get state list count. This endpoint accepts the same query parameters as a GET or PUT request to the States endpoint, but only returns the number of states.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of media IDs.
    • related_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of related IDs. If querying States, one can supply a list of related localization ids to filter on.If querying Localizations, one can supply a list of related state ids to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a annotation type.
    • version (list[int**]) – List of integers representing versions to fetch
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the localization with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • merge (int) – Reduce result set based on a server side merge. If multiple versions are selected and a variant of the object exists in both versions, the merge logic will return 1 or 0 objects. Example: Version B derives off Version A. An object, with the same elemental id “foo” exists on both. If Version B over A is selected and merge is turned on: + The “foo” present on Version B is returned + If the “foo” on version B is deleted, no “foo” is returned.
    • show_deleted (int) – Include in the return set objects that have variant_deleted set to True.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_state_count_by_id(self, project, state_id_query, **kwargs)

Get state list count by ID. This endpoint accepts the same query parameters as a GET or PUT request to the States endpoint, but only returns the number of states.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • state_id_query (StateIdQuery) – (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of media IDs.
    • related_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of related IDs. If querying States, one can supply a list of related localization ids to filter on.If querying Localizations, one can supply a list of related state ids to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a annotation type.
    • version (list[int**]) – List of integers representing versions to fetch
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the localization with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • merge (int) – Reduce result set based on a server side merge. If multiple versions are selected and a variant of the object exists in both versions, the merge logic will return 1 or 0 objects. Example: Version B derives off Version A. An object, with the same elemental id “foo” exists on both. If Version B over A is selected and merge is turned on: + The “foo” present on Version B is returned + If the “foo” on version B is deleted, no “foo” is returned.
    • show_deleted (int) – Include in the return set objects that have variant_deleted set to True.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_state_graphic(self, id, **kwargs)

Get frame(s) of a given localization-associated state. Use the mode argument to control whether it is an animated gif or a tiled jpg. A maximum of 100 detections may be retrieved at once. Use the length and offset parameters to control which section of a state is retrieved.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a state. (required)
    • mode (str) – Whether to animate or tile.
    • fps (float) – Frame rate if mode is animate.
    • force_scale (str) – wxh to force each tile prior to stich
    • length (int) – Number of detections to extract.
    • offset (int) – Index offset of detections to extract.


tator.api.get_state_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get state list. A state is a description of a collection of other objects. The objects a state describes could be media (image or video), video frames, or localizations. A state referring to a collection of localizations is often referred to as a track. States are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of media IDs.
    • related_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of related IDs. If querying States, one can supply a list of related localization ids to filter on.If querying Localizations, one can supply a list of related state ids to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a annotation type.
    • version (list[int**]) – List of integers representing versions to fetch
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the localization with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • merge (int) – Reduce result set based on a server side merge. If multiple versions are selected and a variant of the object exists in both versions, the merge logic will return 1 or 0 objects. Example: Version B derives off Version A. An object, with the same elemental id “foo” exists on both. If Version B over A is selected and merge is turned on: + The “foo” present on Version B is returned + If the “foo” on version B is deleted, no “foo” is returned.
    • show_deleted (int) – Include in the return set objects that have variant_deleted set to True.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_state_list_by_id(self, project, state_id_query, **kwargs)

Get state list by ID. A state is a description of a collection of other objects. The objects a state describes could be media (image or video), video frames, or localizations. A state referring to a collection of localizations is often referred to as a track. States are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • state_id_query (StateIdQuery) – (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of media IDs.
    • related_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of related IDs. If querying States, one can supply a list of related localization ids to filter on.If querying Localizations, one can supply a list of related state ids to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a annotation type.
    • version (list[int**]) – List of integers representing versions to fetch
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the localization with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • merge (int) – Reduce result set based on a server side merge. If multiple versions are selected and a variant of the object exists in both versions, the merge logic will return 1 or 0 objects. Example: Version B derives off Version A. An object, with the same elemental id “foo” exists on both. If Version B over A is selected and merge is turned on: + The “foo” present on Version B is returned + If the “foo” on version B is deleted, no “foo” is returned.
    • show_deleted (int) – Include in the return set objects that have variant_deleted set to True.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_state_type(self, id, **kwargs)

Get state type. A state type is the metadata definition object for a state. It includes association type, name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a state type. (required)


tator.api.get_state_type_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get state type list. A state type is the metadata definition object for a state. It includes association type, name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of unique integers identifying a media.
    • type (int) – Deprecated. Use LocalizationType endpoint to retrieve individual localization type by ID.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for


tator.api.get_temporary_file(self, id, **kwargs)

Get temporary file. Temporary files are files stored server side for a defined duration.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a temporary file. (required)


tator.api.get_temporary_file_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get temporary file list. Temporary files are files stored server side for a defined duration.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • expired (int) – If greater than 0 will return only expired files


tator.api.get_transcode(self, uid, **kwargs)

Get transcode job. This method allows the user to get a transcode’s status using the uid returned by Transcode create method.

  • Parameters
    • uid (str) – A uuid1 string identifying to single Job. (required)


tator.api.get_transcode_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get transcode list. Get a list of active transcodes. This method accepts parameters that filter on Media in which case only transcodes on the filtered media list will be returned.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of integers identifying media.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying media type.
    • name (str) – Name of the media to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • dtype (str) – Data type of the files, either image or video.
    • md5 (str) – MD5 sum of the media file.
    • gid (str) – Upload group ID of the media file.
    • uid (str) – Upload unique ID of the media file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • after_name (str) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this name. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • archive_lifecycle (str) – Archive lifecycle of the files, one of live (live only), archived (to_archive, archived, or to_live), or all. Defaults to ‘live’
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_transcode_list_by_id(self, project, media_id_query, **kwargs)

Get transcode list by ID. Get a list of active transcodes. This method accepts parameters that filter on Media in which case only transcodes on the filtered media list will be returned. This method allows a request body containing additional query parameters.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id_query (MediaIdQuery) – (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of integers identifying media.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying media type.
    • name (str) – Name of the media to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • dtype (str) – Data type of the files, either image or video.
    • md5 (str) – MD5 sum of the media file.
    • gid (str) – Upload group ID of the media file.
    • uid (str) – Upload unique ID of the media file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • after_name (str) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this name. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • archive_lifecycle (str) – Archive lifecycle of the files, one of live (live only), archived (to_archive, archived, or to_live), or all. Defaults to ‘live’
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.get_upload_info(self, project, **kwargs)

Retrieve URL for file upload to a given project.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • expiration (int) – Number of seconds until URL expires and becomes invalid.
    • num_parts (int) – Number of upload parts. Maximum part size is 5GB.
    • media_id (int) – Media ID if this is an upload for existing media.
    • file_id (int) – File ID if this is an upload for existing file.
    • filename (str) – Filename to use if media_id is given. If a file with the same name already exists under the given media ID prefix, the new upload will replace it. Ignored if media_id is not given.


tator.api.get_user(self, id, **kwargs)

Get user.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a user. (required)
    • presigned (int) – If given, all object key fields in profile will be replaced with presigned URLs that can be downloaded without authentication. The value is the expiration time of the URLs in seconds.


tator.api.get_user_list(self, **kwargs)

Get list of users.

  • Parameters
    • username (str) – Username associated with user. Either this or email must be supplied.
    • email (str) – Email address associated with user. Either this or email must be supplied.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental_id of user
    • presigned (int) – If given, all object key fields in profile will be replaced with presigned URLs that can be downloaded without authentication. The value is the expiration time of the URLs in seconds.


tator.api.get_version(self, id, **kwargs)

Get version. Versions allow for multiple “layers” of annotations on the same media. Versions are created at the project level, but are only displayed for a given media if that media contains annotations in that version. The version of an annotation can be set by providing it in a POST operation. Currently only localizations and states can have versions.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a version. (required)


tator.api.get_version_list(self, project, **kwargs)

Get version list. Versions allow for multiple “layers” of annotations on the same media. Versions are created at the project level, but are only displayed for a given media if that media contains annotations in that version. The version of an annotation can be set by providing it in a POST operation. Currently only localizations and states can have versions.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_id (int) – Unique integer identifying a media.


tator.api.get_video_file(self, id, role, index, **kwargs)

Get video file. Video files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying video. One or more video files can be used to reference streaming or archival roles in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the video file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced. (required)
    • index (int) – Index of object. Must be less than size of current list of videos for the specified role. (required)


tator.api.get_video_file_list(self, id, role, **kwargs)

Get video file list. Video files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying video. One or more video files can be used to reference streaming or archival roles in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the video file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced. (required)


tator.api.leaf_suggestion(self, project, ancestor, query, **kwargs)

Get list of autocomplete suggestions. This endpoint is compatible with devbridge suggestion format . It performs a glob search on leaf objects in the project.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • ancestor (str) – Get descendents of a leaf element (inclusive), by path (i.e. ITIS.Animalia). (required)
    • query (str) – String to search for matching names. (required)
    • min_level (int) – Integer specifying level of results that may be returned. For example, 2 refers to grandchildren of the level specified by the ancestor parameter.


tator.api.merge_states(self, id, state_merge_update, **kwargs)

Merges the source state into the target state. The target state will inherit the the source’s localizations and will be deleted.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying the target state to accept the merge. (required)
    • state_merge_update (StateMergeUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.notify(self, notify_spec, **kwargs)

Send a notification to administrators. Uses the Slack API to send a notification to system administrators. This endpoint can only be used by system administrators and must be configured in a Tator deployment’s settings.


tator.api.register_algorithm(self, project, algorithm_spec, **kwargs)

Register an algorithm argo workflow. This endpoint replicates the algorithm registration through the admin portal. The provided manifest file must have been uploaded and saved by the SaveAlgorithmManifest endpoint. This endpoint will respond with an error if one of the following conditions occur: - Provided workflow name is not unique (across projects) - Not all the required fields are present - There are syntax errors with the given manifest file

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • algorithm_spec (AlgorithmSpec) – (required)


tator.api.register_applet(self, project, applet_spec, **kwargs)

Create applet. Applets are customized interfaces (i.e. html files) displayed within the Tator projects.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • applet_spec (AppletSpec) – (required)


tator.api.replace_attribute_type(self, id, attribute_type_update, **kwargs)

Replaces the definition of an existing attribute on Type. WARNING This completely replaces the existing definition and will delete any existing fields that are not present in the attribute_type_update definition. A attribute type is the metadata definition object for a user-defined attribute. It includes name, type, and any other associated fields, depending on the type.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a unique entity type. (required)
    • attribute_type_update (AttributeTypeUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.save_algorithm_manifest(self, project, algorithm_manifest_spec, **kwargs)

Saves an uploaded algorithm manifest to the desired project. It is expected this manifest corresponds with an algorithm workflow to be registered by another endpoint. Manifest is uploaded via tus, a separate mechanism from the REST API. Once a manifest upload is complete (a .yaml file), the file must be saved to the database using this endpoint.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project (required)
    • algorithm_manifest_spec (AlgorithmManifestSpec) – (required)


tator.api.save_generic_file(self, project, generic_file_spec, **kwargs)

Saves an uploaded non-media file to the desired project’s permanent storage. It is expected that this file will be used in conjunction with an applet.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project (required)
    • generic_file_spec (GenericFileSpec) – (required)


tator.api.send_email(self, project, email_spec, **kwargs)

Send an email message using the Tator AWS SES configured credentials.’ Messages can only be sent to members of the same project.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • email_spec (EmailSpec) – (required)


tator.api.transcode(self, project, transcode_spec, **kwargs)

Start a transcode. Videos in Tator must be transcoded to a multi-resolution streaming format before they can be viewed or annotated. This endpoint launches a transcode on raw uploaded video by creating an Argo workflow. The workflow will download the uploaded raw video, transcode it to the proper format, upload the transcoded video, and save the video using the VideoFile, AudioFile, and ImageFile endpoints. The transcode can be launched on an existing media object, or a media object will be created.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • transcode_spec (TranscodeSpec) – (required)


tator.api.trim_state_end(self, id, state_trim_update, **kwargs)

Trims the state’s start or end point by deleting the localizations before the new start point or after the new end point.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying the state to trim (required)
    • state_trim_update (StateTrimUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_affiliation(self, id, affiliation_update, **kwargs)

Update affiliation. Affiliations specify a permission level of a user to an organization. There are currently two cumulative permission levels. Member can only view an organization and not change any data. Admin can modify an organization, add members to an organization, and create new projects under the organization’s account.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a affiliation. (required)
    • affiliation_update (AffiliationUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_algorithm(self, id, algorithm_spec, **kwargs)

Updated registered algorithm workflow

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a registered algorithm workflow. (required)
    • algorithm_spec (AlgorithmSpec) – (required)


tator.api.update_applet(self, id, applet_spec, **kwargs)

Updated registered applet file

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a registered applet file. (required)
    • applet_spec (AppletSpec) – (required)


tator.api.update_attribute_type(self, id, attribute_type_update, **kwargs)

Renames and/or changes the type of an existing attribute on Type. A attribute type is the metadata definition object for a user-defined attribute. It includes name, type, and any other associated fields, depending on the type.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a unique entity type. (required)
    • attribute_type_update (AttributeTypeUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_audio_file(self, id, index, audio_definition, **kwargs)

Update audio file. Audio files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying audio. One or more audio files can be used to reference the audio role in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the audio file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • index (int) – Index of object. Must be less than size of current list of audio files for the specified role. (required)
    • audio_definition (AudioDefinition) – (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced.


tator.api.update_auxiliary_file(self, id, index, auxiliary_file_definition, **kwargs)

Update auxiliary file. Auxiliary files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying generic file. One or more files can be used to reference the attachment role in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • index (int) – Index of object. Must be less than size of current list of files for the specified role. (required)
    • auxiliary_file_definition (AuxiliaryFileDefinition) – (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced.


tator.api.update_bookmark(self, id, bookmark_update, **kwargs)

Update bookmark. Bookmarks are saved links that can be used to mark videos/frames of interest. They are scoped to a project and user, so if a user requests Bookmarks for a project they will only receive the Bookmarks created by them.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a bookmark. (required)
    • bookmark_update (BookmarkUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_bucket(self, id, bucket_update, **kwargs)

Update bucket. Buckets allow users to specify a project-specific S3 bucket to store media. Buckets are defined at the Organization level. Creating and setting a bucket on a project requires administrative access within the organization. Once a bucket is defined for a project, all media subsequently uploaded to that project will be stored in the bucket. Projects may have media in multiple buckets. For example, if a project is initially created without setting a separate bucket and media is uploaded, then the bucket field is updated and more media is uploaded, that project would then contain some media in the default bucket and some in the newly defined bucket.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a bucket. (required)
    • bucket_update (BucketUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_favorite(self, id, favorite_update, **kwargs)

Update favorite. Favorites are saved annotation values to help speed up annotation. They are scoped to a project and user, so if a user requests Favorites for a project they will only receive the Favorites created by them.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a favorite. (required)
    • favorite_update (FavoriteUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_file(self, id, file_update, **kwargs)

Updated registered non-media File object

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a registered File object. (required)
    • file_update (FileUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_file_type(self, id, file_type_update, **kwargs)

Update file type. A file type is the metadata definition object for non-media FIle objects. It includes the name, description, and any associated user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an file type. (required)
    • file_type_update (FileTypeUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_image_file(self, id, role, index, image_definition, **kwargs)

Update image file. Image files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying image. One or more image files can be used to reference thumbnails, thumbnail GIFs, or images in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the image file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced. (required)
    • index (int) – Index of object. Must be less than size of current list of images for the specified role. (required)
    • image_definition (ImageDefinition) – (required)


tator.api.update_invitation(self, id, invitation_update, **kwargs)

Update invitation. Invitations allow users with administrative privileges for an organization to invite a user to join their organization using their email address. Upon creation, if automatic emails are configured an email will be sent to the specified email address. If the user has not yet registered, the email will contain a link to register using a registration token. If the user has registered, the email will send a link to accept the invitation. The link is also returned in the response of the create method.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a invitation. (required)
    • invitation_update (InvitationUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_job_cluster(self, id, job_cluster_spec, **kwargs)

Updated registered job cluster

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a registered job cluster. (required)
    • job_cluster_spec (JobClusterSpec) – (required)


tator.api.update_leaf(self, id, leaf_update, **kwargs)

Update leaf. Leaves are used to define label hierarchies that can be used for autocompletion of string attribute types. Leaves are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user-defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a leaf. (required)
    • leaf_update (LeafUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_leaf_list(self, project, leaf_bulk_update, **kwargs)

Update leaf list. Leaves are used to define label hierarchies that can be used for autocompletion of string attribute types. Leaves are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user-defined attributes. This method does a bulk update on all leaves matching a query. Only user-defined attributes may be bulk updated.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • leaf_bulk_update (LeafBulkUpdate) – (required)
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a leaf type.
    • name (str) – Name of the leaf element.
    • depth (int) – Get a specific tree depth. Root node depth is 0.
    • leaf_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of leaf IDs.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |


tator.api.update_leaf_type(self, id, leaf_type_update, **kwargs)

Update leaf type. A leaf type is the metadata definition object for a leaf. It includes name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an leaf type. (required)
    • leaf_type_update (LeafTypeUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_localization(self, id, localization_update, **kwargs)

Update localization. Localizations are shape annotations drawn on a video or image. Available shapes (dtype) are box, line, or dot. Each shape is parameterized by a different subset of data members: - box uses x, y, width, height. - line uses x, y, u, v. - dot uses x and y. - poly uses points. Geometry members may be left null when creating a localization, in which case the shapes may be drawn later using the redraw capability in the web UI. Localizations are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a localization. (required)
    • localization_update (LocalizationUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_localization_list(self, project, localization_bulk_update, **kwargs)

Update localiazation list. Localizations are shape annotations drawn on a video or image. Available shapes (dtype) are box, line, or dot. Each shape is parameterized by a different subset of data members: - box uses x, y, width, height. - line uses x, y, u, v. - dot uses x and y. - poly uses points. Geometry members may be left null when creating a localization, in which case the shapes may be drawn later using the redraw capability in the web UI. Localizations are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes. This method does a bulk update on all localizations matching a query. Only user-defined attributes may be bulk updated.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • localization_bulk_update (LocalizationBulkUpdate) – (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of media IDs.
    • related_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of related IDs. If querying States, one can supply a list of related localization ids to filter on.If querying Localizations, one can supply a list of related state ids to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a annotation type.
    • version (list[int**]) – List of integers representing versions to fetch
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the localization with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • merge (int) – Reduce result set based on a server side merge. If multiple versions are selected and a variant of the object exists in both versions, the merge logic will return 1 or 0 objects. Example: Version B derives off Version A. An object, with the same elemental id “foo” exists on both. If Version B over A is selected and merge is turned on: + The “foo” present on Version B is returned + If the “foo” on version B is deleted, no “foo” is returned.
    • show_deleted (int) – Include in the return set objects that have variant_deleted set to True.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • frame (int) – Frame number of this localization if it is in a video.
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.update_localization_type(self, id, localization_type_update, **kwargs)

Update localization type. A localization type is the metadata definition object for a localization. It includes shape, name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a localization type. (required)
    • localization_type_update (LocalizationTypeUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_media(self, id, media_update, **kwargs)

Update media. A media may be an image or a video. Media are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media. (required)
    • media_update (MediaUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_media_list(self, project, media_bulk_update, **kwargs)

Update media list. A media may be an image or a video. Media are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes. This method does a bulk update on all media matching a query. Only user-defined attributes may be bulk updated.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • media_bulk_update (MediaBulkUpdate) – (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – List of integers identifying media.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying media type.
    • name (str) – Name of the media to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • dtype (str) – Data type of the files, either image or video.
    • md5 (str) – MD5 sum of the media file.
    • gid (str) – Upload group ID of the media file.
    • uid (str) – Upload unique ID of the media file.
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • after_name (str) – If given, all results returned will be after the media with this name. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • archive_lifecycle (str) – Archive lifecycle of the files, one of live (live only), archived (to_archive, archived, or to_live), or all. Defaults to ‘live’
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.update_media_type(self, id, media_type_update, **kwargs)

Update media type. A media type is the metadata definition object for media. It includes file format, name, description, and may have any number of user defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an media type. (required)
    • media_type_update (MediaTypeUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_membership(self, id, membership_update, **kwargs)

Update membership. Memberships specify a permission level of a user to a project. There are currently five cumulative permission levels: - View Only can only view a project and not change any data. - Can Edit can create, modify, and delete annotations. - Can Transfer can upload and download media. - Can Execute can launch algorithm workflows. - Full Control can change project settings, including inviting new members, project name, and project metadata schema.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a membership. (required)
    • membership_update (MembershipUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_organization(self, id, organization_update, **kwargs)

Update organization. Organizations are used to represent groups of users. Multiple projects may be owned by an organization, and users may be members of multiple organizations.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying an organization. (required)
    • organization_update (OrganizationUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_project(self, id, project_update, **kwargs)

Update project. Projects are the object under which all data in Tator is grouped, including user access, metadata definitions, media, and annotations. Data does not cross boundaries between projects.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • project_update (ProjectUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_section(self, id, section_update, **kwargs)

Update section. Sections represent groups of media using saved queries.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a section. (required)
    • section_update (SectionUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_state(self, id, state_update, **kwargs)

Update state. A state is a description of a collection of other objects. The objects a state describes could be media (image or video), video frames, or localizations. A state referring to a collection of localizations is often referred to as a track. States are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a state. (required)
    • state_update (StateUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_state_list(self, project, state_bulk_update, **kwargs)

Update state list. A state is a description of a collection of other objects. The objects a state describes could be media (image or video), video frames, or localizations. A state referring to a collection of localizations is often referred to as a track. States are a type of entity in Tator, meaning they can be described by user defined attributes. This method does a bulk update on all states matching a query. Only user-defined attributes may be bulk updated.

  • Parameters
    • project (int) – A unique integer identifying a project. (required)
    • state_bulk_update (StateBulkUpdate) – (required)
    • media_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of media IDs.
    • related_id (list[int**]) – Comma-separated list of related IDs. If querying States, one can supply a list of related localization ids to filter on.If querying Localizations, one can supply a list of related state ids to filter on.
    • section (int) – Unique integer identifying a media section.
    • type (int) – Unique integer identifying a annotation type.
    • version (list[int**]) – List of integers representing versions to fetch
    • after (int) – If given, all results returned will be after the localization with this ID. The start and stop parameters are relative to this modified range.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental ID to search for
    • merge (int) – Reduce result set based on a server side merge. If multiple versions are selected and a variant of the object exists in both versions, the merge logic will return 1 or 0 objects. Example: Version B derives off Version A. An object, with the same elemental id “foo” exists on both. If Version B over A is selected and merge is turned on: + The “foo” present on Version B is returned + If the “foo” on version B is deleted, no “foo” is returned.
    • show_deleted (int) – Include in the return set objects that have variant_deleted set to True.
    • attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].
    • attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].
    • attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.
    • start (int) – Pagination start index. Index of the first item in a larger list to return.
    • stop (int) – Pagination stop index. Non-inclusive index of the last item in a larger list to return.
    • encoded_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec
    • sort_by (list[str**]) – Field names to sort results by. Built-in names should be prefixed with ‘$’, attributes must not be. Because the schema supports sorting by a list of attributes (effectively grouping), we have to utilize a special character to inform direction. Uses the common convention of ‘-’; thus [“$name”, “-$id”] would sort by name ascending and break tie-breakers(grouping) by descending by id. An example REST query will sort all localizations in project 1, by label descending and sort any ties by ascending x. rest/Localizations/1?sort_by=-Label&sort_by=$x A table of built-ins available for a given type: | Name | Description | Localizations | States | Medias | Leaves | Files |
       | section           | Media section                          |       X       |   X    |   X    |        |       |     | created_datetime  | The time of creation for this datum    |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | created_by        | The user id who created this datum     |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_datetime | The last modification time             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | modified_by       | The last modification user             |       X       |   X    |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | name              | The name of the element                |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | fps               | The frames per second                  |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | deleted           | Whether the media is marked deleted    |               |        |   X    |    X   |   X   |     | variant_deleted   | Whether the metadata is marked deleted |       X       |   X    |        |        |       |     | archive_state     | The current archive state of the media |               |        |   X    |        |       |     | x, y, u, or v     | Geometric coordinates                  |               |        |        |        |       |     | width or height   | Geometric sizes                        |               |        |        |        |       |     | incident          | Available when doing a related search  |               |        |   X    |        |       |
    • related_attribute (list[str**]) – Attribute equality filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lt (list[str**]) – Attribute less than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_lte (list[str**]) – Attribute less than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gt (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_gte (list[str**]) – Attribute greater than or equal filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_contains (list[str**]) – Attribute contains filter. Format is attribute1::value1,[attribute2::value2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_distance (list[str**]) – Range filter for geoposition attributes. Format is attribute1::distance_km2::lat2::lon2,[attribute2::distancekm2::lat2::lon2].This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • related_attribute_null (list[str**]) – Attribute null filter. Returns elements for which a given attribute is not defined.This filter is applied to related data of the primary object.On the Media endpoint, this searches on related metadata(States/Localizations).On metadata endpoints, this searches on related media.
    • encoded_related_search (str) – Base64 encoded string representing an Object_Search defined in /components/AttributeOperationSpec applied against related objects


tator.api.update_state_type(self, id, state_type_update, **kwargs)

Update state type. A state type is the metadata definition object for a state. It includes association type, name, description, and may have any number of user-defined attribute types associated with it.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a state type. (required)
    • state_type_update (StateTypeUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_user(self, id, user_update, **kwargs)

Update user.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a user. (required)
    • user_update (UserUpdate) – (required)
    • presigned (int) – If given, all object key fields in profile will be replaced with presigned URLs that can be downloaded without authentication. The value is the expiration time of the URLs in seconds.


tator.api.update_version(self, id, version_update, **kwargs)

Update version. Versions allow for multiple “layers” of annotations on the same media. Versions are created at the project level, but are only displayed for a given media if that media contains annotations in that version. The version of an annotation can be set by providing it in a POST operation. Currently only localizations and states can have versions.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a version. (required)
    • version_update (VersionUpdate) – (required)


tator.api.update_video_file(self, id, role, index, video_definition, **kwargs)

Update video file. Video files are stored under the media_files field of Media objects. They are used to relate media metadata to an underlying video. One or more video files can be used to reference streaming or archival roles in a Media object. The file itself must first be uploaded to a URL retrieved from the UploadInfo endpoint, and the returned object key should be specified in the video file’s path field.

  • Parameters
    • id (int) – A unique integer identifying a media object. (required)
    • role (str) – Role of media file being referenced. (required)
    • index (int) – Index of object. Must be less than size of current list of videos for the specified role. (required)
    • video_definition (VideoDefinition) – (required)


tator.api.user_exists(self, **kwargs)

Returns whether a user exists.

  • Parameters
    • username (str) – Username associated with user. Either this or email must be supplied.
    • email (str) – Email address associated with user. Either this or email must be supplied.
    • elemental_id (str) – Elemental_id of user


tator.api.whoami(self, **kwargs)

Get current user. Retrieves user making the request.

  • Parameters
    • presigned (int) – If given, all object key fields in profile will be replaced with presigned URLs that can be downloaded without authentication. The value is the expiration time of the URLs in seconds.

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