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One post tagged with "versioning"

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· 3 min read
Jonathan Takahashi

Tator 1.3 introduces a range of exciting new features designed to enhance the user experience, along with crucial dependency updates, performance enhancements, and bug fixes. One of the standout features is the nested folders functionality, allowing users to organize their media files in a way that mimics a traditional filesystem. This update also includes a refreshed project detail view.

A new metadata export view offers users granular control over exporting metadata in CSV format, providing greater flexibility and precision. Additionally, the mark-based versioning system lays the groundwork for tracking every change to every piece of metadata in Tator. A user interface for interacting with this historical data is set to be introduced in Tator 1.4.

For applet developers, Tator 1.3 simplifies the deployment and management process with the introduction of hosted templates, making it more convenient than ever to develop and maintain applets.

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