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3 posts tagged with "kubernetes"

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· One min read
Jonathan Takahashi

This blog post will go over the procedure for migrating a Tator deployment based on Kubernetes (pre-1.1.0) to Docker Compose (1.1.0 and later). Because all dependencies use the same Docker images as version 1.0.0, this migration procedure is fairly simple and consists of simply pointing the new compose deployment to the directory that was previously in use.

· 4 min read
Jonathan Takahashi

This blog post will go over the procedure for upgrading a Tator deployment to the upcoming major release, 1.0.0, with most features recently merged with the main branch. This release requires an upgrade to Postgresql 14 and drops the Elasticsearch dependency for standard queries (although it is still used for storing logs). Deprecated bucket definition formats are also removed in this release. This post assumes that the tator deployment is currently running version 0.2.23, was installed with the install script, and is running on microk8s.

· 5 min read
Hugh Enxing

This blog post will go over the procedure for upgrading a Tator deployment to the latest release, 0.2.19. This release updates the versions of some dependencies, which require more user actions than the standard upgrade process. It assumes that the tator deployment was set up using the install script and is running on microk8s.

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