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Run unit tests

This tutorial will walk you through how to run unit tests on a Tator deployment. Unit tests in Tator include tator-py unit tests, REST unit tests, and front end unit tests.


The following will install all dependencies needed for all tests:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip ffmpeg wget unzip tesseract-ocr
pip3 install pytest pandas playwright==1.27.1 pytest-playwright==0.3.0 pytesseract==0.3.9 pytest-rerunfailures==10.2 tator opencv-python psutil
sudo cp Bento4-SDK-1-6-0-632.x86_64-unknown-linux/bin/mp4dump /usr/local/bin/.
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mp4dump
sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin:/snap/bin
playwright install

Run tator-py unit tests

Unit tests in tator-py only require API access to a Tator deployment. They are a good way to test a deployment besides just serving as tests for the python client. Instructions below assume a node running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Run the tests

Navigate into the tator-py submodule directory and run pytest:

cd scripts/packages/tator-py
pytest test --host $HOST --token $TOKEN -s

If you would like to keep the test projects that are created for inspection, use the --keep option:

pytest test --host $HOST --token $TOKEN -s --keep

Run REST unit tests

From a node with kubectl access to the Tator deployment, navigate to the root directory of the Tator source and run:

make test

Run front end tests

Front end tests are accomplished primarily via a manual procedure documented in doc/ in the Tator source tree. The script to create a project for unit tests can be found at scripts/packages/tator-py/examples/ There are also automated front-end tests which can be run as described below.

Run the tests

Use pytest to run the tests from the root Tator source tree. The CLI accepts the hostname of Tator, login credentials, and a location to store videos of the tests being performed. A subdirectory will be created to store videos each time the tests are run.

The front end tests require a secure context (see blog post) to work properly. We can achieve this by either using a host with HTTPS enabled, or by forwarding requests to localhost to the Tator host via SSH. In the latter case, this can be achieved using ssh -N -L 8080:$HOST:80 $HOST or similar port forwarding command depending on your configuration, then passing http://localhost:8080 as the --base-url of the unit tests. The port forward command should be run on the same node that is running the unit tests.

pytest test -s \
--base-url=$HOST \
--browser=chromium \
--username=$TATOR_USER \
--password=$TATOR_PASS \

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